Apr 15 2011

Cadet Race Series & Easter Fiesta

Published by under Cadets




EASTER FIESTA (Prize-Giving) – TEX MEX EVENING ON WED 18TH – 6.00PM IN THE COMMODORE’S BAR.  TICKETS £4.50 AVAILABLE BEHIND BAR (to competitors, family and friends)

(Nachos to share, chilli tortillas, rice, potato wedges and a non-alcoholic cocktail )


Come and Enjoy the Sailing,Food and Entertainment


Published on behalf of Rupert Snow

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Apr 15 2011

Wha HOO!! Another Cruiser Rally.

Published by under Cruising

Hoo Marina Rally 29th,30th April, 1st May 2011

Hi All,  Cruiser section has our old favourite Rally to Hoo the bank holiday weekend of 29th April, returning on the 2nd May. Great place to visit the West coast of the river Medway. Lots of good old pubs in Upnor about a 15minute walk and 25 mins on Bus to the East side — Rochester. The club house is very friendly and all are very accommodating.

We have provisionally booked but need to know definite numbers ASAP. Please inform us by placing your details here, on the notice board or e-mail myself [email protected] and Bob at [email protected]

Hurry last chance!!!


Vice Captain.

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Apr 14 2011

Friday Night Menu 15th April

Published by under Catering

Friday Night Dining TBYC


Greenland prawns in a cucumber ring and dressed with a Marie rose sauce £4.75

Paprika Dusted Whitebait served on baby leaves £4.25

Stuffed Mushroom, chicken liver pate filled Portobello mushroom topped with a herb crumb and accompanied with a garlic dip £4.00

Homemade Soup of the day accompanied with crusty baguette £3.50


Main Courses

Pan-Fried Lambs Liver and bacon set on a bed of buttery creamed potato,

accompanied with sautéed savoy cabbage & smoked lardoons £7.50

Rib-Eye steak with melted dolce latte served with pomme frittes, petit pois and sautéed chestnut mushrooms £9.50

Grilled Salmon fillet napped with a white wine sauce, parsley new potatoes and French beans £8.00

Stilton and mushroom stuffed aubergine, sauté potatoes and broccoli £7.00



Cheese plate and biscuits served with celery and chutney £3.75

Steamed syrup sponge and creamy custard £3.50

Warm Chocolate fudge cake and vanilla bean ice cream £3.50

Fresh Strawberries and clotted cream £3.75

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Apr 13 2011

TBYC RS Feva Easter Mini Series

Published by under Monohulls,Racing

Hi all Just a quick note regarding the up and coming RS Feva Easter Holiday mini series. Racing will start on Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th we intend to run 3 races per day for 3 days weather permitting.

There will be a briefing in the main bar at TBYC 10.00hrs on Monday detailing the format.

Please find attached Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions & Course Diagram complete with poster.

A copy of all documents will be posted on the official notice board in the club entrance cadet board.

Look forward to seeing you all on Monday Steve

NOR Feva

feva si

rs feva course


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Apr 13 2011

Cadets on Tour

Published by under Cadets

9029 “Freestyle”- George and Ben Warrington
8401 “Spook”- Matthew Lloyd and Harvey Turner
8451 “Stress” – Alex Warrington and Laura Lloyd
Last weekend saw six TBYC cadets take to the water at the first of the three World Indicator Series at Parkstone Y.C. in Poole harbour. After a long winters training with the RYA Zone Squad all teams were keen to get racing and the 68 boat fleet was hotly contested.
We were lucky to have a superb start to the year with warm sun and a force 3 to 4. Three races were completed on the Saturday and happy to have got the season off to a good start. Sunday saw no wind and the proverbial “mill pond”. After an hour or two waiting, our old friend the “sea breeze” paid a visit and gave the event the final 2 races it needed.
George and Ben put in a 17th and some consistent mid 20 placings finished overall 30th, while Matt and Harvey, competing in their first ever major event gave a determined performance but lack of experience sailing in big fleets made it challenging – but they will prevail! Alex and Laura got off to a good start with an 18th but dropped back for the next 2 races, however finished the weekend with a flying last beat and finished 14th which was enough to put them 3rd in the Silver Fleet and 27th overall.
Next event is at Grafham Water in two weeks for the 2nd Indicator and Inland Championships.

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Apr 13 2011

Cruiser Section – This is an ‘All Ships Announcement’

Published by under Club Notices,Cruising


Chatham is fully booked for clubs now…….please book in as an individual if they have anymore space.



    CHATHAM RALLY 22nd / 24th April 2011


On behalf of Bob our Captain; please note that we have the Chatham Rally fast approaching. 22nd & 24th April 2011. Lets see how many of us can support this event.

With enough of us attending we will be able to secure club rates on the events pontoon and we will be having a Barbeque on the Saturday evening.
Chatham is a good rally with lots of places to eat and visit, coupled with exceptional Marina facilities.

I shall be placing a notice on the board and anyone who wants to join us please as soon as possible enter your boat name and your name on the form or if you prefer e-mail the details to myself [email protected] in order that we can book this with the Marina.

If anyone without a boat from the club is interested in joining us please contact me and I will see if I can find space for you on those that are going.

On a more serious note:- Could we please have some more volunteers to man Polly. It is already the same faces taking this on. All boat owners are expected to carry out this duty to make it fair for all.

Thank you. Look forward to seeing you all in Chatham.

Vice Captain.

2 responses so far

Apr 12 2011

The Bar is Open

Published by under Bar,Catering

For all those enjoying two weeks holiday leading up to the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend the Bar will be open all day from today. We will be serving from 11am to 11pm daily.

Please come down and enjoy a drink in the sun.

Purple Chilli Catering will be serving lunch every day as normal.

Nick Elmore
Vice Commodore

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Apr 07 2011

Easter Hog Roast and Royal Wedding Party

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Social

Tickets go on sale this weekend for the Easter Hog Roast and Royal Wedding Parties.

Tickets for both events are £12 for adults and £10 children, however if you plan on attending both you will receive a discount of £4 when both tickets are bought together.  (available behind the bar at the weekend)

Keep your eyes peeled for posters in the club for more information


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Apr 06 2011

Dinghy Park

Published by under Club Notices

The Dinghy Park is now ready for the season.

Last Monday we completed the re surfacing and many thanks to Steve Hopper, Alan Grant and Nigel Payne for helping to rake out the 105 tonnes of shingle and not forgetting Graham in the Burrows digger who did his part.

The Dinghy Park Plan is on the notice board in the lobby and could all owners check your location to ensure all dinghies and cats are in their allocated slots.

Mike Thomason

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Apr 05 2011

April 29th SS7 Duty Swap

Published by under Duties

Please could I swap my SS7 Helm duty with someone. I am away that day.

Thanks in advance.


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