Feb 14 2011

Chris Hull

Published by under Club Notices

Yesterday a body was recovered from the sea and identified as Chris, very very sad in every way but at least we now have an opportunity to pay our last respects.
Chris entertained many of us with his great sense of humour both on and off the water with his last “on stage” appearance at the prize giving supper where the multihull class gave him ample ammunition with their years antics. Chris drew laughter from every quarter with his witty and very clever speech.
Many of us are still trying to understand this tragedy and now the sea he loved has relinquished its hold, Chris can be brought home for a fitting send off for a truly great member.
there will be a book of condolences on the bar which will be presented to the family in due course.

Peter Thompson

9 responses so far

Feb 14 2011

We Now Have Guinness

Published by under Bar

Martin and I are pleased to announce we have managed to get hold of a ‘Guinness Surger’ for those who love the Dublin taste.

Guinness has launched a new device that allows drinkers of the black stuff to create the magic of Guinness Draught.

The promise from the drinks company is that the device, called the Guinness Surger, sends a burst of ultrasonic waves through the special pint activating that instant rush of “Guinness Magic”.

Try this now for an introductory discounted period.

Nick Elmore
Vice Commodore

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Feb 14 2011

Evening talk

Published by under Club Notices

TCS Chandlers will be giving a presentation at TBYC on Wednesday 23rd of Feb at 8pm. They are looking for our input as to what we would like them to stock, so come along and join in the discussion with your friends over a pint.

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Feb 14 2011

Club Working Party – Sat 26th February 10am

Published by under Club Notices

Hi All,

In preparation for the fast approaching new season at TBYC, Please support the next ‘Club’ working party planned for Saturday 26th February at 10am.

 The plan (weather permitting) is to get the exterior/ deck / railings of the Committee Boat painted plus a coat of antifouling.

On SS2 & SS3 the interior floors need painting, gunwhales given a couple of coats of Sadolin & below the waterline a coat antifouling.

Please support your Club & Sailing Committee.

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Feb 12 2011

TBYC Feva Team Get New Identity

Hi Feva’s, We have and exciting new Logo and team shirts available!!!

Thanks to Sam Husk’s hard work and exceptional deal, we now have available personalised Musto polo shirts along with a special limited edition shirt for those going to the Feva worlds in Holland this year so we get to fly the TBYC flag in style!!!

The TBYC personalised polo shirts will be £13.72 each

The Limited Edition Worlds polo shirts will be £18.64 each

These Shirts will not be limited to sailors parents can also join the Feva

Please find attached order form ORDER FORM

If you would like further information then email me [email protected]

Also don’t forget the exceptional deal from RS for new Feva’s why not order one with your shirt!!!

Feva New Boat add RS Feva Advert

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Feb 11 2011

Utmost Respect

Published by under Club Notices

As a mark of respect for those members & great friends lost to TBYC and the greater sailing community this week, the flags will be held at half mast.

Nick Elmore

Vice Commodore

One response so far

Feb 09 2011

Newsbuoy Edition 4

Published by under Club Notices

You can now download Newsbuoy Edition (January 2011) click on the image, you can forward it to those friends who may be in other parts of the world for them to keep tabs on TBYC.

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Feb 07 2011

Fred Harries Sad News

Published by under Club Notices

Fred Harries passed away yesterday evening following a stroke, Fred was one of the founder members of the original TBYC based purely on the beach prior to the clubhouse. Fred was a keen sailor and a Horneteer and was last at the club for Ian Kennedy’s Funeral in 2010.
I am reliably informed that Fred’s mother Anne designed the Current Club Burgee.

Funeral Date 21st February 11am

venue Nuthurst church Horsham

Peter Thompson Commodore

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Feb 06 2011

Chris Hull Yacht Capsized

Published by under Club Notices

Yesterday we had the shocking news of a yacht capsize off the coast of Portugal. Multihull Class Captain Chris Hull was one of a three man crew. It is understood the yacht was on its way from Vigo Spain to Gibraltar and the Yacht had been trying to enter a marina at Povoa de Varzim just north of the city of Porto Portugal when struck by a wave and capsized.
One crew member made it ashore while two are still missing with the search continuing. Chris has many friends at TBYC and our thoughts and hopes are with his friends and family.

Peter Thompson Commodore

8 responses so far

Feb 03 2011

Catch The Feva !!!

Published by under Cadets,Club Notices,Racing

After careful negotiations with LDC Racing Sailboats we have secured a special TBYC discounted price on new RS Feva’s see link to add: RS Feva Advert in brief this will be dependant on minimum orders and is limited to 3 months so get in early to take advantage of the deal!!!

Some questions you may have

Q. what is the difference between Feva XL and Feva XL Race
A. They are basically the same except with the race the kicker system, outhaul system and main sheet are all upgraded also a lighter jib cloth

Q. is there a wide wheeled trolly with the boat
A. Yes

Q. Does the boat come with covers
A. Only top cover

Q. Does the boat come with road trailer
A. No

Finally this Saturdays training session weather permitting will be run by craig Asquith former Feva national squad coach so take advantage

Also if anyone would like to be included on the regular Feva class email updates then please email me your contact details at : [email protected]

Steve Hopper

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