Jan 15 2011


Published by under Cadets

Book now as places are limited for the ‘Paintball’ event of the year, Thursday 24th February. Meet at TBYC at 8.00AM. Return transport by minibus and lunch are included in the cost of £20 per cadet (minimium age 10 years). See posters in TBYC for full details or speak to Debbie Kilkelly. Parental consent forms are available from behind the bar. Completed forms should be put in an envelope along with payment (cash or cheque payable to TBYC) FAO Debbie Kilkelly and posted in TBYC letterbox.

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Jan 15 2011

Musto Skiff Worlds Melbourne 2011

Published by under World's

Hi all, Yet another quick update

After what can only be described as another master-full display of sailing!!!

TBYC’s Dan Henderson is back on top of the world !!!

For the latest Results Click Here

3 responses so far

Jan 13 2011

Watch this film from 1964 TBYC

Watch this footage from 1964 of the GP 14 Nationals at TBYC, comment if you recognise anyone, YouTube Preview Image

6 responses so far

Jan 13 2011

Musto Skiff Worlds Melbourne 2011

Published by under World's

Hi yet another quick update!!!

Day 3 kicked off with Dan Henderson giving the other competitors a leason in sailing, leading the race from start to finish.

The fleet were then sent in due to weather and did not return to race course until late, where Dan experienced a couple of higher results which has just toppled him off the top spot. However talking to Chris Hederson this morning he told me that for an unfortunate slip in race 7 Dan was just short of the finish in 4th.

Also second discard kicks in after 9 races with 2 days to go!!!

Keep up the good work Dan

For the latest Results Click Here

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Jan 13 2011

Duty Replacement required

Published by under Duties

Late notice, I know, but I’m down to crew on Jan 23rd on SS7 and unable to because of travel commitments. I would suggest swapping, but cannot make any of the other dates set for the Icicle Series.

If anyone can help, I would be really grateful.

Please call on 07973 715522 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              07973 715522      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              07973 715522      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or email – [email protected]

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Jan 12 2011

Musto Skiff Worlds Melbourne 2011

Published by under World's

Hi all, Good news from down under. Dan Henderson still leads the world!!!

Day 2 Report hot off the press from dan

Dan & Ronny

Day 2
At the start of the day, it looked although we would be getting about 5 knots from the east, however the wind wouldnt settle and we were kept onshore for a quick postponement. When we finally got out onto the race course, there was around 16-18 knots, but very gusty and flat water. I had An aweful start at the committee boat end but tacked out to the right for some clean air. When merging back into the boats from the left, I was in about 5th position and this is where i rounded the windward mark. I was supprised to be so far up because all the guys infront of me are alot heavier then me and should be faster in the big breeze. I was the first to gybe into a huge gust that i had seen going down the right hand side of the course. When coming back to the leading pack, i was 1st. I rounded the leeward mark in 1st, however upwind 3 of the heavier guys came past me, which i wasnt too upset about because i know that if i keep putting in consistant top 5 results, thats what can win you a championship. The final downwind was very scary. We had 25 knot gusts and flat water, so boat speeds over 20 knots were recorded down wind. I finished the race in 4th, and this was the only race of the day as we had thunderstorms, squalls, and alot of rain come through for the rest of the day.
Tomorrows forecast is simular to today, so basically we will get anything!

Well done dan impresive first 2 days in mixed conditions and consistent results, with 4 races completed and a 2, 2, 3, 4 score line go TBYC!!!


For the latest Results Click Here

2 responses so far

Jan 11 2011


Published by under Club Notices

Would those of you that take pictures of our sailing please let me have a copy so that I can put them on the screen in the club and use them in Newsbuoy. Also if you would like an article placed in Newsbuoy please submit it to me with pictures if you can by email.
The next edition will be out this week and the second edition for the year will be published in April so please get snapping away, you can leave the pictures on cd in an envelope marked for me in our post box.

If anyone speaks to Dan Henderson or Ronnie please ask them to get some sailing pics of them at the Worlds in Australia.

Many thanks.

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Jan 11 2011

Musto Skiff Worlds Melbourne 2011

Published by under World's

Hi all just a quick update. The musto skiff world championships kicked off in earnest today, or for us brits in the early hours of the morning as Melbourne is 11 hours in front of us. 3 races have been sailed in light winds on the first day with TBYC’s Dan Henderson Leading the World !!!!

With a 2, 2, 3 score line go Dan !!!

The all important factor here as with most talented sailors is they could not hope to compete in these events without support and this comes in many forms. The first and most obvious one is the bank of Mun & Dad which us parents know all to well. However as the bar is raised and the talent shines out the costs of competing rise and for us brits there is no more expensive regatta than a world championships down under.

With the above in mind this event was just a dream for a hard-up university student, that is until the Wellcom Group steped in and sponsored Dan helping him realise a dream.

It was Dan himself who asked me to recognise his sponsor for whom this event would not be possible for him

So from Dan Henderson a big thank you must be given to Wellcom Group and specifically to Dave Blaker of there london office who initially put Dan forward to there executive chairman, and Wayne Sidwell Executive chairman for sanctioning the sponsorship. Without such people our sport would be a poorer place

You can see the company history here www.wellcomgroup.net/investor/company-history

One response so far

Jan 11 2011


Published by under Club Notices

This is the time of year where things may look a bit dormant with this winters weather really taking hold but behind the scenes the guys and girls on and off the Committee are working tirelessly on the sailing/social events for 2011. I always like to think the weather gods reward hard work and sundays Frozen Sheets Race was a great example of this, fantastic day for sailor and spectator alike. This time last year we followed Chris Boshier competing down under and this year we can all be jealous of Dan Henderson who through nothing other than hard work and exceptional skill secured sponsorship to fly down under and compete in the Musto Skiff Worlds. A great example to all our cadet/youth sailors as to what can be achieved. Looks like another tough day at Uni Dan! best education you can get! well at least thats what i told my mum for 30 years…. Follow Dans racing this week with Steve Hoppers updates here.
Those desperate to give their hard earned cash to TBYC for their 2011 subscriptions the invoices will be out to you later this week with the latest newsbuoy. Payment by return either by cheque or standing order is very much appreciated to keep the volunteer office working in an efficient way. This year there will be a late payment penalty to respect those who do as is expected.
keep smiling


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Jan 10 2011

Summer Ball – Save the Date

Published by under Social

A date for your diaries:

This years TBYC Summer Ball will be on June 4th.

With entertainment from www.hulagroove.co.uk

For any keen beans who want to reserve tables now please do let me know [email protected]

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