Dec 20 2010

Leigh Sailing Club Brass Monkey Race -08/01/2011

Published by under Racing

Brass Monkey, to be held the day before our own TBYC Frozen Sheets Trophy Race.

Why not pop down to TBYC for some pre-race food?
If there is sufficient boats sailing to LOS from TBYC we will take a support boat.………..


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Dec 20 2010

NYE Tickets still available

Published by under Social

There a still a few TBYC NYE Party tickets are still available from behind the bar

£15 for adults and £10 for cadets, Includes full plated buffet and DJ.

7pm – 1am

Don’t miss out on a great party!

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Dec 11 2010


If you have any photo’s of sailing or social at TBYC that you would like displayed on the screens in the club and that would add to newsbuoy could you please let me know, the sooner the better, many thanks, email [email protected]

One response so far

Dec 06 2010

Sailing pictures from December 5th, 2010

Published by under Racing

Find the link here.

3 responses so far

Dec 03 2010

TBYC’s New Years Eve Party

Published by under Bilge

New Years Eve tickets are now on sale behind the bar

£15 for adults and £10 for children/cadets. This includes plated buffet and DJ.

From 7.30pm till 1am

Get yours quick before they all sell out

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Nov 29 2010


Published by under Club Notices

Congratulations to Steve Hopper who was awarded the honour of the Gerald Mitcham cup at the AGM on sunday in recognition of all the hard work and effort that he puts in behind the scenes to help the club.
Steve has been a fantastic help to me this year with the house rep duties, he is a brilliant source of advice and is always there with a huge range of tools for any job, along with that Steve has helped the entire sandhopper fleet tune their boats, make repairs, fit moorings etc. etc.
He has recently taken charge of the new feva fleet and is training the cadets to olympic standard taking up a huge amount of time both on and off the water.
Well done Steve and thankyou.

Barry, house rep and sandhopper captain

7 responses so far

Nov 26 2010

Christmas Party bookings

Published by under Club Notices,Social

Hi All

Just a little reminder that all ticket payments and menu choice forms need to be posted through the club letter box by Friday 3rd December.

If you have any problems or your table size has got smaller please do give me a call on 07734904824

Many thanks!! Kylie

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Nov 26 2010

Duty swap/stand-in required

Published by under Duties

Ian Hadley is unable to attend his Seasafe 7 duty on sunday 5th December as he

will be in America, on business. If anyone is able to arrange a swap or stand in for

him, he will be very grateful. His email is ianrhadley at btinernet dot com


One response so far

Nov 25 2010

Christmas Party – December 11th – SOLD OUT

Published by under Club Notices,Social

The Christmas Party on December 11th has now completely sold out. Those who have booked tables and not paid yet, please be aware that no table can be made bigger than the number which was originally booked with me. Unfortunately unlike the summer ball we don’t have the luxury of the balcony space as i think it might be a little nippy in December 🙂

If the size of your table is due to reduce please do let me know asap!

many thanks


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Nov 24 2010

Laser for Sale

Published by under For Sale


I have two Laser’s for sale, please follow the links for details:

Martyn Eyre

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