Oct 11 2010

Trophy race courses

Published by under Racing

Having just sailed in the Access Autumn trophy today, i have a few questions which i can’t find the answer to;

When I asked the RO if the start gate was to be avoided downwind (as it was a windward leward course) – i was kindly advised to look at the sailing instructions. I haven’t seen any SI’s for the individual race, and having looked at the one’s on this website, i also can’t find the answer. Can anyone shed some light on this, as i can’t see the answer. Any help much appreciated?

Also are additional details on the course to be supplied on the committee boat? Only i didn’t see any details apart from ‘windward leward course’ written on the blackboard on shore. Are we to assume a port hand rounding and use of orange inflatables for all trophy races?

Any help for future races appreciated.


15 responses so far

Oct 11 2010

Ian Kennedy sad news

Published by under Club Notices

Ian Kennedy passed away yesterday morning after a long and painful illness.
A true “Ian day” with clear blue sky and a lovely sailing breeze was a fitting tribute from the weather.
I knew Ian in his post sailing days and enjoyed many times with him catching the sunshine and peace in a lovely part of the world being Thorpe Bay Beach and that is how i shall hold my memories.
Ian being one of the longest serving members of Thorpe Bay Yacht Club always took a very keen interest in its affairs and was alway able to help with the history of members and events.
Thoughts are with the family and especially Margaret who has seen far too much pain and suffering and been a real saint.
once funeral details are known i shall let you know.

Peter Thompson Commodore

7 responses so far

Oct 07 2010

Prize Giving

Published by under Social

Prize giving will be on Saturday November 13th from 7pm
Lasagne, Salad and garlic bread followed by Apple & Berry Crumble, tickets at £10.00 for adults / £8.00 for cadets under 15
Please note, this is a change from the time printed in the Sailing Program.

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Oct 06 2010

End of Season is Nearly Upon us

So for those of you vacating the dinghy park this weekend for your annual restoration/hibernation and not fool hardy enough to sail the winter, this is your last chance for some pot hunting this season.

Racing this weekend is as follows

Saturday – Autumn Trophy 12:00 start

Sunday End of Seaon Trophy 13:00 start

remember, trophy races are mass start, so don’t be late, see you on the line !

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Oct 06 2010

TBYC’s Spooktastic Halloween Party

Published by under Bilge

Saturday 30th October from 7pm till late

Tickets cost £10 for adults and £8 for children, this includes buffet (from 7.30pm) and DJ. Tickets are on sale behind the bar now!

Everyone welcome, fancy dress and non fancy dress

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Sep 30 2010

Topaz Vibe

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

A Topaz Vibe Sail Number 4926 has been left in
the Dinghy Park for the past 2 months next to the
front row of Sprints. There are no details on the
Club database and we are anxious to trace the
owner of this boat.
Contact: [email protected]

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Sep 30 2010

Winter, Frozen Sheets and Icicle 2010-11

Hi All,

You’ve waited for it, you’ve asked for it and at last it’s here, come on and sign up for your Winter racing at the North side of the Thames Premier sailing venue.

Please note entries and payment must be in by 17th October 2010 so we can allocate dinghy park spaces.

DON’T FORGET this is an open even, so if  you want to get some Winter training in with a buddy from another club get them to enter too.

Winter Series 2010 Meeting entry form

Winter Series SIs 2010-11

Parents_Declaration winter 2010-11

happy sailing

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Sep 29 2010

This Weekend 2/3rd Oct

Published by under Bilge

There is no racing on Saturday because the tides times are unsuitable, HOWEVER

Sunday; Mass start 8:00 am, impromptu Trophy race followed by a presentation in the bar afterwards (assuming someone knows how to get the results sorted). The kitchen will be open and serving breakfast! See you there,


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Sep 28 2010

National 12 crew wanted

Published by under Racing

My regular crew Sue has put her back out and sadly will not be able to sail for some time so I am looking for some one to pull some strings in the front end of my N12, being small and agile is a big bonus. A National 12 may not be the fastest boat on the water but it is quite a challenging technical dinghy to sail. So if you are interested please give me a ring on
01702 205297 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              01702 205297      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Steve Le Grys

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Sep 28 2010

Lost sailing watch

Published by under Bilge

I think I left my OS 3 yellow sailing watch in the changing rooms on 

 Sunday, if anyone found it could they leave it behind the bar please?

Many thanks.

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