Jun 09 2010

World Cup – Saturday 12th June

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Due to my utter lack of football knowledge i have already got the kick off time for the England V USA match wrong!!

Kick off is 7.30pm on Saturday!

The kitchen will be open from 11am -6.30pm sharp!

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Jun 08 2010

Passenger Lift

Published by under Bar

The General Committee are currently seeking expressions of interest in a lift for less able members to access the first floor bars. We are a long way on with several companies in this regard. We would like to hear from anyone who has a view on the matter.

We anticipate putting in a Planning Application shortly and plans will be available to view on the notice board.

Nick Elmore
Vice Commodore

6 responses so far

Jun 03 2010

Duty Swap

Published by under Duties

Can anybody help us with a safety boat duty swap on 4th July (SS3) as we are holiday (2nd July to 11th July incl.). Unfortunatly we can’t do race officer duty.

Barry & Donna Tetchner

Tel: 01702206355  Mob:07813124620

One response so far

Jun 03 2010

World Cup 2010

Published by under Bar,Catering,Club Notices,Social

Hi Everyone,

World Cup 2010 kicks off on June 11th and all matches will be shown at the club. Jo will be opening the kitchen before the games so everyone is suitably fed before kick off!

The first England match is on June 12th and kick off is at 8.30pm!

Don’t forget to get to the club early to secure a prime viewing position!!

The kitchen will be open from 11am – 7.30pm sharp!

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Jun 03 2010

Lovely Weekend Weather Rolls on to Monday Evening Racing

Not before time we have a lovely weekends weather ahead, morning and evening tides with the Bar and Kitchen working all hours to keep us suitably fed and watered, this is also extended to monday evening where both Bar and Kitchen are opening to support the sailing programme, fantastic, enjoy and don’t forget to nip off early from work on Monday for a 7pm race start.

tip of the week, Suncream…..

nearly forgot for all those not turning the wheels of the economy today Clubhouse is open all day to support the School holidays with extended Bar and Catering thanks to our great team of staff.

keep smiling


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Jun 02 2010

John Margarson – Progress Report. No.2 – 01-06-2010

Published by under Cruising

Due to the fact that I moved house over the weekend I did not update you all on John’s progress as much as I had planned to. Unfortunately John has had to turn back some 1490km out due to severe storm damage. He is safe but no doubt disappointed.

However here are his messages leading up to and after his decision to turn back.

Continue Reading »

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Jun 02 2010

Another Thank You

Published by under Racing

I would just like to say a big thank you to Richard and Tracey Metcalf for doing a great job on the rescue on Saturday, there I was drifting fast into the land of the dinosaurs well past the coast guard station no beach for landing big waves lots of wind and the mast broken in two places, all this in a boat that weighs 27kg has the foils fixed in from the underside will not stay up right on its own and is very delicate.

Also a thank you to all the people that helped on the beach when we got back everybody was first class and this is what makes this sailing club a great place it was nice to see so many people walk out and help get the Moth onto the beach with out any damage.

Thank you !

2 responses so far

Jun 02 2010

Pico Results Spring 2010 now a…

Published by under Club Notices

Pico Results Spring 2010 now available at http://www.tbyc.org/pico-racing-2010/

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Jun 01 2010

Contender Eastern Areas and Finn Open Meeting 12/13 June

Published by under Monohulls,Racing

attached are the NOr, SI’s and entry forms

Entry includes a meal (Chilli) Saturday evening, whilst you unwind and watch the world cup and have a beer.

(water and vegetarian option available at no extra charge)




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Jun 01 2010

TBYC Regatta

Published by under Racing

At the prize giving yesterday I forgot one of the clubs unsung hero’s Tony Padbury.
Whilst we were all having a beer and chewing the fat over a brilliant weekends water base entertainment Tony, Janet and Liz were upstairs sorting out all the results.
So Tony and team please forgive me,and all of you who sailed next time you see them give them a pat on the back.
Regards Spratty

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