Apr 15 2010

latest version of SI’s CB & RO instructions + racing marks

Published by under Racing

Latest versions now available below, please read

SI’s  http://www.tbyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/SailingInst2010.pdf

CB http://www.tbyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/CommitteeBoatInstructions2010.pdf

SB http://www.tbyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/ShoreBoxInstructions2010.pdf

Permanent Marks http://www.tbyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/TBYCMarks2010.jpg

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Apr 13 2010

Duty Volunteer’s or Swap’s for 3 Dates Please.

Published by under Cruising,Duties

Can anyone help please……Being predominantly a Cruising Section Member (Vice Captain) I have duties and commitments that make it unable for me to fulfill my Dinghy section duties for the following dates.

May 1st 2010 — SS3 ,

May 23rd 2010 — Assistant RO

September 11th 2010 — SS2.

I am willing to Volunteer or Swap for any number of duties outside of my duties to man Polly for the cruising section (a short 6Months!!!).

So give me your dates after 23rd October 2010 and before 1 st April 2011.

Many thanks,

Have a good season ,  Wayne.

[email protected] or 07799704524.

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Apr 13 2010

Duty Swap 21st August

Published by under Duties

Hi, can anyone swap crew duty for SS3 on Saturday 21st August as I’m doing Sail Training at the same time.

Many thanks
Alan – 07933 299556

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Apr 13 2010

Summer Ball 2010

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

There are still a limited number of tickets available for the Summer ball on May 15th.

if you are interested in booking a table please contact me on 07734904824 or email [email protected]

thanks Kylie

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Apr 08 2010

Sunday Race – 11th April 2010

Published by under Racing

We are looking for some volunteers please. We need an Assistant for the Race Officer and Safety Boat Crew for the 10.00 am race next Sunday.

If you are able to help out for a couple of hours please call or text me on 07881 501 675.

 Thank you

Shaun Christian

One response so far

Apr 07 2010

Great Weekend

Published by under Catering

Many thanks to Jo and the catering team for feeding us all at the weekend, the sailing was a bit extreme at times with a few bruises to show, again thanks to the race officers and support crews for most enjoyable sailing. The hog roast party was a great success , well done kylie another sell out event.

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Apr 05 2010

Easter Hog Roast

Published by under Social

A massive thank you to Jo and her team for an awesome hog roast and chocolate fountain on Easter Saturday.

Thank you to everyone who bought tickets, i hope you all had a fantastic night.

See you all at the next one!

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Apr 05 2010

Duty Swap 11th April

Published by under Duties

Due to unforseen circumstances Rex Hanson needs to swap duties with someone for Sunday 11th April. He is down for assistant RO . If you can help then please contact me.

Chris Maloney

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Apr 05 2010


Published by under Members

Day Reports
Day 2 of the Steve & Spratty assault on Kilimanjaro
a longer day today at higher altitude approx 6hrs climbing
It was a day of infinite ridges just when you thought you were at the top yes
you guessed another bloody ridge!!!!
As is always the case with and expedition with spratty he managed to draw blood from him
self today even if only minor

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Mar 31 2010

Icicle Prizegiving

Published by under Racing

Hi All,

thanks to everyone who waited around for us to sort out the final results and graciously accepted their prizes.
For anyone else who won a prize but didn’t attend the prizegiving (see results page to find who you are) then your prizes are behind the bar.

A big thanks to all the race officers and support crew and Tony Padbury for doing the results as well as all the sailors who braved the wintery elements to make the series so successful, let’s have the same again if not better next year!

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