Oct 20 2009

Sanhopper Final Fling

Published by under Racing,Sandhoppers

18 sandhoppers raced in glorious sunshine on sunday in the final race of the year, light winds made for a tricky race, Satisfaction was the winner on the day followed by squiffy then sandstar, thanks to all those who helped on the day.

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Oct 12 2009

TBYC Fast Spitfire at Minis bay

Published by under Catamarans

David & Kyle had never sailed a spitfire together before untill the Nationals at Minnis Bay S.C. on the 9/10/11th October just past. To come 2nd in a fleet of 22 boats including the top spitfire veterans is a special achievement & there is little doubt that had they been involved with the boat, kindly lent by that oldsea dog Pete Thompson, for a few months competitive practice we would have another pair of catamaran National Champions at Thorpe Bay. Well done guys.
Heres the link to the results http://www.spitfiresailing.org.uk/nresults.asp

from that even older seadog, Glenn Stoneham & Struan Wallace

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Oct 11 2009

Working Party

Published by under Working Parties

Thank you to all the people who made it along to yesterdays working party. Lots done by many hands and plenty achieved, special thanks to Ann who provided the refreshments to keep the workers happy!


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Oct 08 2009


Published by under Club Notices

Hi All,

This weekend is the end of Season Trophy and with it comes the end of Season, which means all dinghies and catamarans and their ancilliaries (road trailers, windsurfers/kyaks/paddle boards or whatever else you hide under your boats) need to vacate the dinghy park this Sunday after racing.
The only exception to this is any Picos which are on and have paid for rack space over the winter by this wekeend (at the more than reasonable price of £30, cheques with pico number on the reverse accepted).
Boats which have entered the Winter series can return to the dinghy park once the cruisers and sandhoppers have moved in for the winter.

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Oct 05 2009

Cadets on Tour

Published by under Cadets

Jess&AlexJess Quinlan & Alex Warrington – Otters/TBYC GBR 8407
George Warrington & Greg Watson – TBYC GBR 9029

Fishers Green Open Meeting

A popular “pond” event which this year was run in very difficult conditions. With not only 32 kts of breeze and very shifty but also sudden lulls and gusts caused by the many trees made this entertaining to watch to say the least! However Jess and Alex managed to secure a very solid 2nd overall in a 39 strong fleet. Showing off their great spinnaker work and boat handling, blasting them through the fleet after what was a lottery of a beat in most cases.

George and Greg did very well and were 23rd despite not sailing in the last 2 races after a bad capsize, which is a great improvement for him. Especially considering that it was Greg’s very first Cadet event and only his 3rd time in the boat!…… Well done Greg!

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Oct 05 2009

Free Cadet for a year!

Published by under Cadets

Jess&AlexSquadron 17 revival!                    

The only 3 sail race dinghy designed purely for youngsters!                        

The UK National Cadet Class Association have heard that we are trying to revive the Cadet Class fleet at TBYC and many of you have already commented how great it is to see these boats return to the club. The Asscociation have very kindly given me 2 boats to help us revive Squadron 17 (last in operation over 20 years ago!)

Boat available immediately, ready to sail in the Winter Series!

I am looking for 2 cadets for one of these boats. You will have full responsibility for the boat – insurance, dinghy park fees and running repairs. But the use of the boat is FREE. It would also be desirable that you try to take part in the 3 Indicator events and the Nationals next year.

NB: These are not “beach boats” and are to be used for racing and sail training only.

If you want to know more or are interested in taking a boat please contact me: [email protected] and come and join the only double-handed youth racing dinghy fleet. Or if you want to buy your own boat click here for the UKNCCA for sale list: http://www.mariner.co.uk/classifieds/pages/search/searchresult.asp

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Oct 02 2009

Working Party Sat 10th Oct.

Published by under Working Parties

Hi Folks, yes its that time of year! Your club needs you on Saturday 10th Oct at 9 am. Jobs include slipway clean and dinghy park clear up.

Many Thanks, Chris

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Oct 01 2009

DINGHY AGM – Wednesday 14th October 2009

Published by under Club Notices

The Dinghy AGM will take pleace on Wednesday 14th October 2009 at 8.00pm.  Hope to see you there.

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Sep 29 2009

Winter Series

Published by under Racing

The Winter Series entry form is now available on the notice board or to download from here. Please remember this is first come first served for this popular series. Please include cheque payment with completed form.



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Sep 28 2009

Dinner at the club this Friday

Published by under Catering,Social

Please see the notice below for the menu.  I need to finalise numbers by Wednesday so that Jo can order/prepare sufficient food to cater for our needs.  Pre-ordering with me is recommended to save time on eve as there are over 60 people booked in.

Hope to see you at the club this Friday.


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