Feb 02 2009

Roy Wiggins

Published by under Club Notices

I am sad to advise that Roy passed away on January 23rd. Roy and his grandfather ‘Pop’ Wiggins were long time members at Halfway Yacht Club and Roy was a member at TBYC for some years too.

Roy instigated the Petal Plate race and presented the trophy when he was sailing secretary at Thorpe Bay.

The funeral commences 2pm, 11th february at St. Andrews Chuch, Ashingdon then to Crematorium followed by the wake at Hockley Lawn Tennis Club. Any flowers to be sent to A R Adams @ 117 High Street, Rayleigh.

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Jan 31 2009

Working Party Sunday 1st Feb

Published by under Working Parties

Please note that due to the poor weather forecast and the excellent progress made in today’s working party, tomorrow’s working party has been cancelled. Many thanks to the people who made the effort to attend today’s session, you did a fantastic job! To the people who didn’t make it, I hope to see you at future events. The next scheduled party is Saturday 14th Feb at 9.00am.

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Jan 25 2009

Congratulations to Kevin Iles & Jane Wade.

Published by under Racing

I would like to congratulate Kevin and Jane on their 3rd place in the Bloody Mary last Saturday.  This is arguably THE premier winter open event and attracts some of the best sailors in the UK.

2 responses so far

Jan 24 2009

Working Parties !!!

Published by under Club Notices


Be there your Club Needs You !!!

Committee Boat, Jan 31st/1st Feb – Feb 14th/15th – Feb 28th/1st March and 22nd March.
Displacement Boats March 1st – March 7th and March 14th.
Bosons hut March 7th and March 14th.
Dinghy Park April 4th.
All starting at 9.00 am

email: [email protected]

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Jan 06 2009

Burns Night

Published by under Social

burnsBurns Night

with piper and traditional Scottish fayre £18

Saturday 24th January

7.00 p.m. for 7.30 p.m. start

Highland Dress or Black Tie

For bookings please contact

Gaynor Thompson, Cruising Section Social Secretary

01702 588239/07776 155933

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Jan 02 2009

Frozen Sheets photos

Published by under Racing

A collection of photo’s taken of our Frozen Sheet’s race.


Wayne Miller

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Dec 29 2008

Icicle Series – dates and times

Published by under Racing

LOC_iceyachting.jpgSun 11 Jan @ 11:00, Icicle 1

Sun 25 Jan @ 11:00, Icicle 2

Sun 08 Feb @ 10:30, Icicle 3

Sun 22 Feb @ 10:00, Icicle 4 (half hour earlier than sailing instructions)

Sun 01 Mar @ 13.00, Icicle 5 (half hour earlier than 2009 programme)

Sun 15 Mar @ 13:00, Icicle 6

Sun 29 Mar @ 13:00, Icicle 7 (half hour earlier than 2009 programme)

Where there is a difference between the sailing instructions and the 2009 programme, the earlier time has been allocated.

3 responses so far

Dec 17 2008

Frozen Sheets and Prize Giving

Published by under Racing

Don’t forget the Frozen Sheets Trophy Race is on Sunday 28th December at 11:00.  Where else can you burn those excess calories off and freeze your bits off at the same time?  Peter Thompson of www.wetsuitoutlet.co.uk fame has kindly agreed to sponsor the Frozen Sheets so head up to the bar afterwards for the prize giving of this race and the Winter Series.

By the way, whoever won the Frozen Sheets last year – can we have our trophy back please?

3 responses so far

Dec 17 2008

Frozen Sheets warm up

Published by under Racing

At a loss as to what to do after Christmas? missing sailing already? Why not get yourself down to Leigh for their Brass Monkey on Saturday 27th, burn off a few mince pies and get some practice for the Frozen sheets at the into the bargain! Start time 11:15, mass start.

3 responses so far

Dec 12 2008

The Club’s Catering

Published by under Catering

Would all members kindly be aware that until into the new year there will be no catering on Friday evenings.

Vic Davis

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