Dec 10 2008

Cadet Christmas Party

Published by under Cadets

Don’t forget – the Cadet Christmas Party is being held this Sunday at 4.00 – 6.00pm. Please contact Bev Warrington if you haven’t bought your tickets yet. Just £5 each. Over 7 years only. No adults allowed!!

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Dec 03 2008

Carol Singing Evening with Rayleigh Brass Band

Published by under Social

Please come and join us at the Club on Tuesday 9 December at 8.30pm for an evening of carol singing with Rayleigh Brass Band.  All Club members and their guests are welcome.  You will be able to enjoy some hot punch and nibbles while you sing!

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Dec 02 2008

Abandoned Trailers

Published by under Club Notices

There are some road trailers left at the back of the clubhouse which need to be removed by the owners. All trailers need to be stored either under the boat in the dinghy park or off site. Will the people responsible please remove them.


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Nov 28 2008

Stop Press!! New Caterers Signed for our Club !!

Published by under Catering

We have signed contracts with the new caterers for our Club.

This weekend they will be open from 12 noon till 2:30pm with a limited cover.

Saturday they intend to offer Soup / Sandwiches / Chilli etc and Sunday this week will include Beef in Red Wine.

The FULL service will commence on Thursday when their contract officially starts.

3 responses so far

Nov 26 2008

TBYC Family New Years Eve Party

Published by under Social

Looking for somwhere to see in the New Year?
What better place that to do so with your family & friends at TBYC
Wednesday 31st December 2008
The Disco runs from 8.30pm-00.30am
Entry is £8.00 per Adult or a Family Ticket is £20 (2 adults plus children)
Tickets available from Theresa Ryall 07803 247582

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Nov 26 2008

TBYC Adult Christmas Party – Sat 13th Dec 08

Published by under Social

Price £29.50 pp
3 course meal & Entertainment by Hard Cover
Homemade Tomato & Basil Soup with Roll & Butter
Turkey, Chipolata Sausage & Stuffing, Honey Baked Gammon & all the trimmings
Christmas Pudding with Custard or Cream; Coffee & Mints
Dress Code: Smart Casual to Black tie – Strictly no Jeans
Dress to impress, but most of all to enjoy an evening with your friends
Time: 6.30 pm for 7.00pm sit down
Tickets available from Theresa Ryall on 07803 247582 or via email: [email protected]
Entertainment only tickets avail £10 pp entry from 9.00pm
Don’t forget to pre-order wines via Gordon at the bar

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Nov 25 2008

The Joys of Cruising

If you ever wonder why the cruising section enjoy their sport so much, see a short video I took in September about 2 hours east of the River Dart, en route to Portland Bill.

YouTube Preview Image

2 responses so far

Nov 24 2008

Cruising Section – Scuba Diving

Published by under Cruising,Social

On Tuesday 25 November we have a talk by the Rayleigh Sub Aqua Club on scuba diving.  This should be a lively evening and I hope to see you at the club ready for a 8.30pm start.  Members of the Cruising Section and club members and their guests are welcome.  The talk will include a run down on equipment, training and some of the recent dive trips enjoyed by club members.  The talk will finish with local wrecks in the Thames estuary.  Please join us!

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Nov 24 2008


Published by under Club Notices

Just a quick note to thank all who have helped me over the last 5 years,without your help the club wouldnt be in the position we find it now.

We have 80 boats entered in the winter series,we have had Cadets winning National championships,we have held National Championships and various open meetings,new mens showers with new ladies showers on the way and a new slipway being built during 2009,we also have training schemes in place that other clubs would love to have, and as long as we keep up this momentum TBYC will continue to flourish and grow into what could be considered one of the best yacht clubs in the country.

Have a great Christmas and a happy New year.


4 responses so far

Nov 19 2008

Cadet AGM

The Cadet AGM is being held on Thursday November 20th at 7.00pm. The kitchen & bar will be open from 6pm as usual.

Bev Warrington

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