Nov 17 2008

TBYC Solent Racing Video

Published by under Racing

Enjoy the footage by the boys, Well done looks great fun.

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Nov 10 2008


Published by under Racing

force 6-8 was saturdays forecast with more predicted for sunday. 35 sunfast 37s competed in four races over two days, we knew it was going to be rough when we started to heel on bare polls , the starts were chaotic and full on with everybody trying for poll position and trying to survive the conditions,

team Apollo lead the fleet and won the first race even after losing their steering and having to resort to the emergency tiller for the majority of the race, they used the broken steering as an excuse to limp back into port solent flat out with their kite up and would miss race 2. team windrush surprised everyone and finished just behind team blue jacket to take 3rd and 4th with  team sand star in 6th place. great result for tbyc.

race two saw windrush whoop both blue jacket and sandstar to become overall leader from tbyc overnight.

Sundays weather was worse with force 8-9 forecast, Apollo again lead the fleet to take first position with windrush again whooping the other two for tbyc, race 4 was again won by Apollo making them overall winners of the weekend, for tbyc windrush was 2nd blue jacket 3rd and sand star 4th, the fleet results will be published later this week so we can see where we all came amongst the rest of the fleet.

A great weekend of extreme sailing was enjoyed by all and we will definitely be doing it again next year, so why not get a team together of your sailing mates and join us?

I cant wait to see the video taken by chas and martin.

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Nov 07 2008


Published by under Cruising,Racing,Sandhoppers

28 sandhopper sailors are racing sunfast 37s in the solent this weekend representing TBYC, there are 4 teams competing amongst 40 boats, team windrush, team sandstar, team blue jacket, and team apollo will be battling the forecast force 6 to take first prize amongst the fleet, team apollo have recruited a couple of professional ringers so the pressure is on for gordon and martin. team sandstar have the winning gurus hopper and thompson, team blue jacket has the seasoned 707 barnes/dells and team windrush has a time dispensation as they have rupert who will talk nonsense at them for two days. with all to play for and the substantial cash prize kindly donated from the cadets im sure racing will be close.

should we hitch a ride in the big yellow helicopter we will try to video the event for youtube

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Nov 05 2008


Published by under Cadets,Club Notices

The Cadet section Fireworks display will take place at the club at 7pm this Thursday.


The kitchen will be open from 6pm till 8pm.

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Nov 03 2008

Cruising Section

Published by under Cruising

Two dates for your diary.

Why not come and join us for the Captain’s Quiz on Tuesday 4 November starting at 8.30.  All members of the Club and their guests are welcome.  Tables up to six.  A pound a head, the winning table takes the pot.

The Cruising Section AGM will be held at TBYC on Tuesday 11 November starting at 8.30pm.

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Oct 31 2008

TBYC Catering Facilities

Published by under Catering,Club Notices

Would all members kindly note that the franchise with Kop’s catering finishes on Sunday 2nd November 2008.

The Club and the Catering facilities will be open as normal from Tuesday 4th November 2008.

Myself and the Club would like to thank Dan and his crew for the service they have given us over the last two years and wish them well for the future.

Martyn Eyre

Vice Commodore

3 responses so far

Oct 29 2008


Published by under Racing

Could all trophy holders please ensure that all TBYC trophies are returned to the club by Friday at the latest, cleaned and ready for Saturday’s prizegiving.

Many thanks – see you all there at 8.00 pm sharp!

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Oct 27 2008


Published by under Club Notices

The article below was sent to me by Phil Biggs a dear friend of Candy and I; whom sails of the cornish coast.
“This just dropped into my inbox. Thought you all might be
interested, and hopefully spread the word.

I didn’t realise the RNLI had to pay £48,000 for the privilege of
using marine VHF. Disgusting I call it.

For info/action. Please forward to anyone you think might help by
signing the petition.”

http://www.telegrap uknews/3089310/ Radio-charges- may-
force-lifeboat- stations- to-close. html

The background:


LIFEBOAT crews fear being scuppered by crippling new charges for
using their radios from Ofcom, the communications regulator. The RNLI
could see the price of using its VHF emergency frequencies rise to
£250,000 under plans to charge the full commercial rate.

The charity, which saves hundreds of lives every year currently pays
an annual £48,000 at a discounted rate of 50 per cent. It relies on
donations and fears the move will have a disastrous impact on
fundraising. Peter Bradley, RNLI operations staff officer,
said: ‘It’s a lot of money when you think in terms of lifeboat days
and little old ladies collecting pound coins.’

‘We could buy several inshore lifeboats for the same amount.’

‘The Government rely on us to provide this search-and-rescue service,
at a cost of £124 million a year, but they want to charge us for
doing it!’

Ofcom has set out plans to bring ‘market forces’ into maritime and
civil aviation communications in a policy it calls Administered
Incentive Pricing.

£250,000 represents an awful lot of charity collections, even more so
in the current economic climate so, if like me you feel strongly
enough about this, please sign the petition below.

http://petitions. number10. RF-licences/

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Oct 25 2008


Published by under Club Notices

Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior was spotted moored at southend pier this saturday, 7 Sandhoppers set off from TBYC to represent the club and handed them a TBYC flag which they immediately hoisted and is flying proudly from their mid mast, you never know we may get the flag on the TV as a camera crew was filming at the time, many thanks to those who took part.

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Oct 24 2008

Pico Series Winners

Published by under Monohulls

Following a very succesful Pico series this year here are the series winners.


Spring Series

1st Mike Graves / Mike Thomason, Peter, Robert, Anna

2nd Jonathan Snow

3rd Vicky and Ian Little


Summer Series

1st Alex Farrell and Max Duce

2nd Jonathan Snow and Sophie Simpson

3rd Peter and Rupert Snow


Autumn Series

1st Alex farrall

2nd Jonathan Snow and Max Duce

3rd Vicky and Ian Little

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