Oct 06 2008

Autumn Access Trophy

Published by under Racing

Did anyone else wonder if the winter series had started earlier than expected?


One response so far

Oct 04 2008

Dinghy AGM.

Published by under Club Notices

The Dinghy AGM is to be held on Wednesday 15th October at 8.00 pm.

If you’re a cat or dinghy sailor, please attend if at all possible – it’s the opportunity to have your say.

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Oct 04 2008

Club 14:18

Published by under Cadets

Due to a lack of ticket sales I regret that the launch party for Club 14:18 has had to be cancelled. A full refund will be given to the one ticket we did sell.

The aim of Club 14:18 is to keep our 14 to 18 year olds involved in activities both on the water and in the club house. We therefore hope to continue with Club 14:18 on a monthly basis from mid November. Friday night will be a meal followed by an activity such as cinema or bowling. Saturday sailing will be an opportunity to either join the club racing or try different boats out.

Further details to follow nearer to November.

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Oct 03 2008

Sprint 15 winner

Published by under Catamarans

Well done to Howard Hawkes for winning the Sprint 15 northern championships.

4 responses so far

Oct 03 2008

Sail Training Theory Web Site.

Published by under Cadets,Club Notices,Racing

Dear All,

Having had a discussion with Barry last night I recomended this site for self testing.

I thought that it might be useful to anybody interested in taking courses.


There are great tests for IRPCS (International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea.) Including identifying Vessel Lights.

I have used the site extensively for Day Skipper Training and found it invaluable.

Maybe a permanent Link can be made?



P.S for those doing CEVNI  There are two self tests here.  http://www.sailtrain.co.uk/cevni/index.htm Scroll down. (2nd Test is “Next Exercise” and includes lights) Good Luck.

2 responses so far

Oct 02 2008

Willing Crew for the Winter Series Available

Published by under Catamarans

Dear Catamaran and Dingy fleets doing the winter series, you need to register now! to take part but best off all we have some willing crew available, these two guys, Simon Brown and Garry Ellis are looking for more sailing experience and are newish members to the club. Drop me a line and I’ll pass on contact details or pop into the club and look on the notice board. Here’s to some cracking winter sailing, God knows it’s got to be better than this summer. Regards,  Struan

3 responses so far

Oct 01 2008

Thursday Cadet Nights

Published by under Cadets

ust a reminder that there will be no cadet night this Thursday as they are now every other week. Please refer to your Sailing Programme for details.

Coming up this month are talks by Tony Clarke on October 9th and Ian Little on October 23rd. These will start at 7.15pm and last for about 20-30 minutes.

Hope to see you all then.

Bev Warrington

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Sep 29 2008

Sandhopper sunday trophy

Published by under Sandhoppers

Congratulations to Annemeike and Martin who on squiffy won the sunday Sandhopper trophy, twelve sandhoppers took part in the light conditions and the close racing once again was great fun. Rupert and Linda in Zeus are improving each week and im sure my old crew will start to give me a run for my money next year, we missed Paul and Toby this weekend on Nemesis who in their last two races have lead from start to finish, hope to see you next week boys.

lets hope the remainder of the season is sailed in such glorious sunshine, only a few weeks left before lift out so lets keep the numbers up and remain the biggest single fleet racing at tbyc.

3 responses so far

Sep 25 2008

Laser European Master Championships 2009 – Spain

Published by under Monohulls

A number of TBYC Laser sailers have expressed an interest to compete in the above championships at Calella de Palafrugell in Catalunya, Spain. ‘Master’ is defined as 45+ but you can enter as an apprentice master at 35. Racing is from 20 – 26th April 2009 and having checked out the venue during the summer I’m sure that it will be a great week.

The drive down is 1400km and we do have a 6 boat trailer at our disposal, however, with Ryan Air flying into Girona, which is only an hour away from Calella, getting someone else to take the strain makes much more sense. I’ve been quoted £250 return per boat but the trailer is limited to 9 boats.

Would everyone interested in securing a place on the trailer please email me: [email protected].


PS The event is outside school holidays and it is unlikely that anyone competing will be accompanied by partners or familes. This is a serious event and there will be no time for sociallising or sight seeing.

5 responses so far

Sep 24 2008

Spirit of the Club

Published by under Club Notices

“There is a tremendous spirit within this club in which everybody pulls together and I’m a very grateful beneficiary of that culture.  Many people have helped me at various times”

quote taken from Howard Hawkes article below.

now theres a man who has worked harder than most of us to pull together another fine season of sailing events unselfishly giving up his own sailing and social time for us all to benefit even in a year where the weather didn’t quite play the game fairly… thank you Howard.

the spirit of our club is further enhanced by the working parties that now attract 40+ of all ages which help keep the club in good order.

for me the main spirit/culture test of a club is that of renew. renew of members, renew of assets.

seeing 33 Cadet Pico’s out on the water in their race series on saturday afternoon was just great and shows just how successful the TBYC cadet training program is and has been in giving the opportunity of learning to sail to so many.

sunday witnessed another great turn out for a trophy race and two former pico sailors David Hopper & Tally Eyre literally flying about in their foiling moths, great for all to see and for the cadets to be inspired. TBYC has always led the way with state of the art sailing dinghies and this year is no exception.

alot of work has gone on behind the scenes to secure the renewal of our assets and one man linked to most of the above over many years and has been their driving force is Mike Thomason the man who sets the benchmark for the spirit and culture of our club.

in a world of uncertain times our club will hopefully continue to deliver the same spirit and culture for you and i to enjoy both on and off the water and our subscriptions continue to be invested for the future benefit of sailing.


ps if you’ve got a bit of spare cash personally or in your business then theres no better time than now to help TBYC and the slipway fund. Mike Thomason will be very pleased to hear from you…. don’t be shy…

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