Sep 23 2008

Cadets on Tour

Published by under Cadets

Cadet 9631 Hammerhead
James Hayward and Alex Warrrington (Waldringfield/TBYC)

Well the pairing has now ended as James retires from the Cadet fleet to enter the world of 420’s. The boys had a great year all in all, with 3 Open meeting wins, UK Inland Champions and Selected for the 2008 British World Team. 31st in the Worlds and 8th at the Nationals. Would have been nice to have been higher in these events but thats boat racing for you! You never know whats going to happen next!

Cadet 9029: George Warrington and Angus Stone (TBYC/Waldringfield), had a great time in the Silver Fleets at Medemblik and Torquay, learning fast all about big fleet starts and the rules! They put in a commendable 41st in the Silver Fleet at the worlds and 81st out of 97 at the Nationals. Boat-handling and staying upright has been George’s biggest learning curve. In fact 9029 stayed upright all week at the Nats – well er.. except I managed to turn it upside down twice in the parents race!!- I blame the crew naturally!

Alex has now teamed up with his 3rd helm for the 2009 season. Jess Quinlan from Burnham with her boat; 8407 “Fantasy”. They have had a great start to their partnership. Stone Open Meeting earlier this month saw them miss out on a top 3 overall after a bad capsize on a very windy 1 day event, coming home 5th overall. Last weekend saw them clinch their first major win at the Parkstone Open with a 60 boat entry and winning the event overall!

So we’re all looking forward to another winter of National Squad Training and a busy year touring the circuit – Worlds in Argentina 2009…. who knows?

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Sep 23 2008

Dart 16 – 2654 for sale

Published by under For Sale

Dart 16, sail number 2654 for sale.

Includes road trailer, deluxe top cover, big wheeled launching trolley (cattrax). All good condition.

Reason for sale – time to upgrade!

£3750. Contact Mike on 07787 556042 or [email protected]

3 responses so far

Sep 22 2008

Working Party

Published by under Working Parties

I would like to thank all those dedicated individuals who turned up on Saturday to help with the work party. The slipway recieved a thorough clean and a new coat of antifoul thanks to Chris Maloney and his team. The bosuns hut had a thorough clean and all the accumulated rubish thrown in the bin so you can now get through the door thanks to Struan, Barry and Paul. The guard boats were given some much needed TLC to see them through to the end of the season Toby and Faz to thank for that. As usual Mike Thomason and his Pico team cleared up the dinghy park and did the gardening along the bank. The gents changing room also recieved a clean up with Grahan Dare and his gang doing the mucking out. Finally Martyn Chas and Steve fitted the new television screen in the main bar, a job we have been thinking about for years that is now done.

It was very satisfying that some 40 or so members turned up and achieved so much in just a couple of hours. The next working party will be some time later this autumn when all the winter jobs get underway so please dont be shy in volunteering as it is a very sociable occasion where you get to meet members from other sections of the club whilst all working together to achieve some very worthwhile results.

Thanks again to all for your efforts on Saturday.


9 responses so far

Sep 19 2008

Club 14:18

Published by under Cadets

What is Club 14:18 ?  

It is for Cadet members that are 14 – 18 years old.

When do Club 14:18 meet ?  

On the middle Friday & Saturday of each month.

What do Club 14:18 do ?  

Friday Nights: 7p.m. – 8p.m.   Meet in the Clubhouse for pizza & pasta then from 8p.m. – 10p.m. Activities like cinema, bowling, badminton, swimming.

Saturday: Club14:18 sailing – try out new boats like RS Feva’s, 29er’s, Lasers and help new Club 14:18 members with some basic sail training.

How much will Club 14:18 cost ?  

We will try to keep the Friday night activities to approx. £10, including the buffet.

Who will be organising Club 14:18 ?  

Club 14:18 members will be, so we need to get a committee together. If you are interested then get in touch. Speak to Shaun Christian.

Can I bring my friends from outside TBYC to Club 14:18 ?  

No this is for TBYC Cadet members only.

How can I find out more about Club 14:18 ?  

Come to the launch party on the 24th October 2008 when Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” comes to TBYC. Learn the “Thriller” dance moves with the help of a professional dance team. Tickets are £10  – See James Christian (mob 0784 659 3016).               

Dresscode: Zombie

See the cadet notice board for more details and other Club 14:18 activities for the rest of 2008.

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Sep 18 2008

Clearing the Boat Park.

Published by under Club Notices

The “summer” season is coming to an end and with it arrives the annual migration to the boat park of the cruisers, which is scheduled for Saturday 18th October. As usual, those who are NOT sailing in the Winter Series need to remove their boats on or before Sunday 12th October, whereas those who will continue to sail should move their boats to the western half of the boat park.

It is noticeable that some owners take a rather disinterested attitude to the reorganisation of the boat park, leaving it to others to move their boats on their behalf. Please bear in mind that if your boat needs to be moved because you’ve not bothered to comply with the above request, it might not be treated with quite the same delicacy that you would apply – why should it? So if you care about your boat, either take it away OR BETTER STILL, move it to the west side of the boat park and JOIN THE REST OF US in the Winter Series.

The more efficiently we dinghy and cat sailors clear the space for the cruisers the more compactly they are installed, leaving us more space for our boats, so it’s in our interests to co-operate as fully as possible. Not only that, but the Master Recruiter for the Sprint 15 class and Keeper of the Boat Park – none other than Andrew Hannah – has sworn severe retribution for any boats not complying. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Those stalwarts joining us keen Sprint sailors for the season of PROPER sailing need to enter by Saturday 25th October.  Unfortunately the Sandhoppers won’t be with us – Barry is feeling his age and it is said that this year he may hibernate.

Finally, I’m bowing out after an interesting year. There is a tremendous spirit within this club in which everybody pulls together and I’m a very grateful beneficiary of that culture.  Many people have helped me at various times. My successor is that Contender sailor and master-fixer of broken Sprints, Chris Boshier. I wish him well in the post and hope you will all support him as you have me.

Don’t forget the Winter Series.  See you there!

Howard Hawkes.

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Sep 15 2008

Pico Series Autumn Series

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

We will meet on Thursday 18th Sept to look at entries to the Autumn Series.  Come along and register you interest even if you have no-one to sail with at present.  We may have people interested in taking a crew as the Autumn series is traditionally fairly breezy and it is always more fun with two anyway.

Make sure you are there to register even if you are an old hand, but if for some reason you can’t make it it will be possible to sign-on as usual in the Bosun’s hut on Saturday 20th for a race start time of 2.45pm  (try to get ready in plenty of time please), briefing at the top of the slip at 2.20pm.

On Thursday, at 7.15pm we will look at various aspects of the start sequence and mark rounding to familiarise those who may well be taking their first steps into racing following a successful cadet week.  Turn up even if you are a seasoned pro and ensure i mention everything needed, in order to help newcommers get aquainted with the way we run the series at TBYC.

On a seperate note, please could we get a list of willing volunteers to help run the race box with Lisa and Linda (needed for this Sat as Linda is on rescue duty, and on Sat 27th Sept and Sat 4th Oct).  It would be great to confirm who can help asap.  Please give me or one of the aformentioned ladies a ring if you can.


See you on the water!


4 responses so far

Sep 08 2008

Navigating in the pursuit race

Published by under Racing,Sandhoppers

great fun race yesterday and fantastic to see so many cadets taking part in the windy conditions, the sandhoppers were out in force with Nemesis taking first place in our class, well done Paul and Toby.

I would like to point out that one of the sandhoppers was taking part in a different race, Sand  Star helmed by our commodore and crewed by a man with his own fleet of boats thought it was the Queenborough race and headed for the kent shore, yes messers saunders and Hopper made a massive school boy error and went the wrong way, to make matters worse, upon rejoining the pursuit race all be it a country mile behind, they decided to retire and go fo an early bath.

with all the experience that hopper has sailing around the Uk and the commodore who has just returned from a sailing holiday in Greece, you would expect them to be able to navigate to mark Y.

next time boys follow the cadets, they seem to have better idea of where to go.

Fellow members, when you see either Steve or Gordon dont forget to talk to them about their school boy error.

8 responses so far

Sep 08 2008

Lost Rooster sailing boot

Published by under Racing

RobinI seem to have left TBYC without one of my boots yesterday evening. Identifying features – wet and smelly. Any information leading to its recovery much appreciated.


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Sep 04 2008

Nick & Kyle on the F20

Enjoy the film, Camera work by Glen.YouTube Preview Image

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Sep 02 2008

RNLI Pursuit Race

Published by under Racing

Don’t forget the RNLI Pursuit Race this Sunday, first start 4.00 pm.

For the uninitiated, the start seqence begins with the slowest boat and gradually works through in decreasing PY order so that the fastest boats start last.  The race will be run for 2 hours and the first over the line wins.  It’s a great spectacle watching the faster boats working their way through the fleet and trying to work out whether they can overtake the early starters.  It’s also a great way of raising money for the Lifeboat as the entry fees go the the RNLI.

RNLI Pursuit SIs 2008

RNLI Pursuit Race Starts 2008

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