Sep 02 2008

49er, 29er, B14 and Musto Skiff Open Meeting 13/14 September 2008

Published by under Racing

49er, 29er, B14 and Musto Skiff Open Meeting to be held on 13th and 14th September 2008. All necessary documents listed below (in Microsoft Word .doc format) for download.

49er, 29er, B14 and Musto Skiff Open Meeting Entry Form

49er, 29er, B14 and Musto Skiff Open Meeting Parents Declaration

49er, 29er, B14 and Musto Skiff Open Meeting Notice Of Race (NOR)

49er, 29er, B14 and Musto Skiff Open Meeting Sailing Instructions (SI)

49er, 29er, B14 and Musto Skiff Open Meeting Course Diagram

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Sep 02 2008

Burnham Week

Published by under Racing

Our yacht Moon Dancer won the overall class 6 title and mid-week class 6 title at this year’s Burnham Week, registered as a  Thorpe Bay Yacht Club entry.

Next year we are moving into the more difficult world of Spinnakers in class 5. We will need to add a couple of crew to compete in this class. The yacht is a small 24 foot Malbec cruiser racer and if anyone wants to crew let me know.

Brian Browne

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Sep 01 2008

Future Race Officers

Published by under Cadets

A big “thank you” to the Cadets who took up the challenge of being RO assistants last Sunday. I thought you all did an excellent job:

Alex Thomason
Athina Duce
Isabella Allard
Isabelle Duce
Madeleine Thomason
Robyn Farrall and
William Thomason

You worked really well as team and I enjoyed your company.

5 responses so far

Aug 28 2008

Hurricane Videos

Hi All cat sailors and interested parties, I’ve posted some Hurricane videosYouTube Preview Image and Nicks F20 shot by Glen on youtube, have a look.

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Aug 28 2008

Forts Race 2008

Published by under Duties

Can any Race Officer please swap with me to do Saturday 20th September duty. I am available to do any Saturday after that date.

We are away at the Forts Race for the whole of that weekend.



2 responses so far

Aug 28 2008

TBYC Catamaran Sailing videos

Published by under Catamarans

I’ve just put some sailing videos on youtube, have a look.YouTube Preview Image

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Aug 27 2008

Duty Swop Required this Saturday

Published by under Duties

Due to a Lifeboat duty commitment Gerald Sverdolf requires a sea safe duty swop for Saturday 30th August.

Please phone him direct on 07703 104020 if you can help please.


One response so far

Aug 26 2008


Published by under Club Notices

congratulations to Paul Spratt for achieving his first award at SLIMMING WORLD this week, keep it up Paul you may start a trend with the rest of us.

so if you see Paul at the club please remember to congratulate him.

5 responses so far

Aug 19 2008

Sprint 15 Nationals.

Published by under Catamarans,Nationals

A very big “thank you” to all who contributed to the success of the Sprint Nationals this weekend, for which we had 61 entries.  I have been overwhelmed by comments such as “as good as any Nationals we’ve ever had”, “marvellous facilities”, “friendly atmosphere”, “great organisation” and – perhaps most important of all – praise for our Race Officer Phil Crawford and his team for their efficiency and good judgement.

Not only that, but we have a champion in the making – Kyle Stoneham, who finished fourth.  Mark my words, his name will be on the Honours Board before long.  Martyn Ellis should also be congratulated for finishing a very creditable 12th and winning the “most improved helm” award.

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Aug 15 2008

Leigh-on-Sea Sailor Needs Crew

Published by under Cadets,Catamarans

Nick Henson writesI am the youth coordinator for the the British Hobie Cat Class Association and UK Cat Racing association.  I have a sailor in Leigh on Sea who requires an enthusiastic cat sailor to team up with him on his Hobie Dragoon. 
The Hobie Dragoon is the RYA recognised junior pathway catamaran for sailors up to 16.  There is a nationwide circuit of events and training for the Dragoon.  Training is subsidised by the RYA who also supply the coach and rib.
We are holding a cat intro day at Minnis Bay Kent on Saturday September 13.  This would provide a perfect opportunity for the sailors to meet and sail with each other for the first time.
If you are interested in giving this a go please contact Nick Henson on 07968 310077.

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