Jun 24 2008

Curried Theme Night Friday 27th June

Published by under Social

Curry Night

Chicken Curry with Basmati Rice and Popadoms + all the dips

£8.50 a head

Please call the club on 587563 or Dan’s Mobile 07949980763 to book.

Dodgy lighting and weird music should set the atmosphere.

Dining from 7:30pm-9:30pm (when the sailing finishes).

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Jun 24 2008

Pico Nationals 2008 Photos

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Nationals

Please click on the image on the right or look in the Photo Gallery situated to the left of this article to see some photos taken by Nigel Campling during Saturdays racing.

Thanks Nigel

PS. If anyone has any more please either get them to me via email or cd.

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Jun 23 2008

Duty Swap Needed For July 5th

Published by under Duties

Duty swap required for Saturday 5th july. I am planning on going to Stone Hurricane open meeting on this particular weekend followed by the east coast piers race on the next and would be available for dates from 26th July.

Regards Chris Hull

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Jun 23 2008

Moth Worlds

YouTube Preview Image2 Club members are off to the moth worlds in 2 weeks time David Hopper (Cadet) and Danny Clark. The event is from 5th July to 11th July.

I will try to keep you updated with there progress


2 responses so far

Jun 23 2008

Pico Nationals

Published by under Monohulls,Nationals

A big thank you to all involved in the Nationals.

The weekend started on Thursday night with race run throughs,cleaning and painting slipway etc, right through to Sunday packing away boats and prize giving.

Well done this type of event would not be as successfull without all of your help.

Congatulations to Dan Henderson & Max Duce who are now the 2008 Pico National Champions

Regards Spratty

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Jun 20 2008


Published by under Club Notices

Many thanks to those who helped with the scrubbing and antifouling on the slip last night especially Sam, Struan, Peter, Liz, Robin, Andrew, Chris and Chris who worked flat out from start to finish, cheers guys.

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Jun 19 2008

Hurricane Events 2008

Published by under Club Notices

Dear Hurricane sailors, here’s a listing off all the Association events for 2008 you can find more information on the Web Site:http://www.hurricane59.com

See you on the water soon:

Saturday June 28-29, Rutland Cat Open
Open fleet

Saturday, July 05-06 2008, TT Stone
Own start. A Classes attending

Sunday, July 13 2008, Piers Race Marconi
Good oppurtunity to promote Hurricanes to all classes

Saturday, August 02-03 2008, TT Canvey Island
Own start. A Classes attending

Saturday, September 20-21 2008, TT/Open Whitstable
Own start. Forts race plus round the cans

Friday, September 26-28 2008, TT Brightlingsea
Own start. Spitfires and Shadows attending

Saturday, October 18-19 2008, Cat Open Grafham
Open fleet at present


Copyright © 1987-2008 Hurricane 5.9 International Class Association. Al

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Jun 18 2008

Donnington Track Day. Aution Item

Published by under Social

Highest Bid So Far: Paul Palmer £350.00

This is an additional item added to the auction that took place during the Summer Ball, we have already raised £4500 from items generously donated to the club. All monies from the auction items will go into the SLIPWAY FUND.

A Day At Donnington Motor Racing Circuit, Monday 14th July. The top bidder will need to get the day off and be over 16 years old.

A Day at Donnington Race Circuit with Sytner BMW and Howard Warrington.

It is a Track Day where you will be able to take laps in the range of M Power and Alpina BMW’s – if the bidder happens to own a BMW or MINI then they will be able to take it on the track themselves.

I will be going with my CSL and you will be driven to and from the event in this car. The CSL will also be available for rides round the track – which has a “grin factor” of 10!

There will be professional drivers on hand to take you out in the very latest 400 bhp M3’s and 500 bhp M5’s.

The Alpina factory will be there with the latest range of Alpina B3 Biturbo’s and B5’s and they have promised to bring their very special and valuable E30 M3 which was the first M3 to win a major championship and tempted BMW into going racing again.

Frank Sytner is due to be there, if he is you will be able to get out for a few laps with him in a replica of his 1987 BTCC Winning E30 M3.

It would be useful if the bidder could find or borrow a crash helmet but there will be some available at the circuit.

This item was kindly donated by Howard Warrington.

Kindly bid for this item by sending an email to [email protected] with your bid, mobile phone number and full name.

Auction ends Thursday 3rd July at 12 noon.

Happy Bidding.

2 responses so far

Jun 18 2008

Pico Nationals 21st & 22nd June

Entry Forms have been coming in all week and the current estimate looks like we will have over 50 Pico’s out racing. We have a number of visitors attending the Nationals so please give them a warm and friendly TBYC welcome.

You can enter on the morning but it would be helpful if TBYC sailors could get theirs in beforehand, this will help with results & speed up registration.

There will be a briefing by the Race Officer at 11.30 a.m. on Saturday morning with the first race scheduled for 12.55 p.m. start. If you would like a packed lunch these will be available from the club chef but need to be ordered in advance of Saturday (£3.50 for a sandwich, chocolate bar, crisps and a bottle of water). Visitors please speak to the chef as soon as you arrive.

After sailing on Saturday your entry price includes a free meal and Karaoke. If you need extra meals please either note this on your entry form or speak to the Chef (extra meals coat £5.50 each).

Any other questions please give me a call. Entry forms can be downloaded from this website. Please click on “Pico’s” down the left hand side on the screen.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Shaun  – mobile 07881 501 675

TBYC Cadets – At Cadet Night this week on Thursday 19th June Rupert will be giving a talk on what to expect and how to prepare for the Pico Nationals.

2 responses so far

Jun 17 2008

Peter Hayes Trophy Results.

Published by under Racing

I would like to apologise to all who competed in the Peter Hayes Trophy on Sunday, particularly Kevin & Lesley Iles.  The published results are wrong and so the worthy winners by over two minutes on corrected time are Kevin & Lesley in their new National 12. 

I would like to thank all those who emailed me over the last couple of days patiently pointing out the anomolies. No doubt the Sandhoppers will want a word with me because I told them they had cleaned up…

The revised results will be published as soon as someone with the appropriate skills can get to the office to upload them.

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