Feb 01 2022

Showers in the Mens and the Ladies Changing Rooms.

** Update 01/02/2022 ** Sorry, the Ladies showers did work while testing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. But when it came to the crunch on Sunday the did not want to work.

We are working on plan D.

If anyone knows when they last worked during the winter, please let me know.

Scott James
House Rep
[email protected]


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Jan 21 2022

Adult Sailing Support for Beginners – Invites are now on Facebook for the next 6 weeks

Published by under Club Notices

I am really pleased that we had another good turn out last night for the Adult Sailing Support for Beginners Sessions that we have been runing.

If you have missed the first couple of sessions, fear not you can catch up as we have recorded both of them, the sound quality on a couple of bits is one of our areas for improvement for the next session. However, you will be able to get a good idea of what has been going on will be able to learn from the sessions.

Therefore, I have created the next 6 weeks of invites for the Adult Sailing Support for Beginners on Facebook as this is the easiest way for us to manage the sessions.

These sessions have been and will continue to be be on Zoom and in the Club on Thursdays at 19:30 for 45 mins to 1hr

Zoom details are: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4959293655
Or just Meeting ID: 495 929 3655

The link for the packs and recordings are: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HgS2Wa1p-oQyEHKlYZMUS2tdbtE5j3iz?usp=sharing

Please let us know if you would like to join us either on zoom or in the club by e-mailing [email protected]. You need to be a full member of the club, but you don’t need any sailing experience and there is no charge as these are not formal training sessions, just a group of sailors sharing some experiences, some videos we have found useful along with with some structure to help build confidence and capability and lots of audience participation!

Please do also register and share your interest on Facebook by following the below link:

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Jan 18 2022

Peroni has arrived at TBYC

Published by under Bar

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Jan 11 2022

Adult Sailing Support for Beginners – Second session Thursday 20th January 2022 – 19:30 – Via Zoom and on screen in the Commodores Bar at TBYC.

Published by under Club Notices,Sandhoppers

Link to the Pack and Video for Session 1
Link to video and slide pack: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HgS2Wa1p-oQyEHKlYZMUS2tdbtE5j3iz?usp=sharing
We will be running these sessions each Thursday at 19:30 on Zoom and at the Club until the end of March.
The Zoom details are:
19:20 lines open – 19:30 start
Meeting ID: 495 929 3655
The account is in the name of Steve Hopper (Thanks to Steve for allowing us to use his account)
We will share a link to the saved recordings of the calls the day after the events in case you miss something!
We want these sessions to be fun, informative and to allow you to get to know a bit more about sailing, the club, the members, and what opportunities there are to get out on the water safely.
If you have any questions ahead of Thursday, please do let us know.
Kind regards,
Scott James, Tolga Kulahcigil, Harry Floyd, The rest of the Sandhopper Fleet and Club members that welcome you to the wonderful world of sailing.

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Jan 08 2022

2022 Sandhopper Class British Association – Rule Book – Issue 6

Published by under Sandhoppers

Please see the latest Rules & Measurements booklet for the Sandhoppers.

Rules & Measurements A4 Iss 6 January 2022

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Jan 04 2022

Club Kitchen Re-open from Wednesday 5th January

Published by under Catering

Club Kitchen Re-open from Wednesday 5th January

Following last week’s kitchen closure, we’re pleased to say that the club kitchen will re-open from Wednesday 5th January. This comes after the completion of isolation periods and negative PCR & Lateral Flow tests from staff members.

The kitchen will be back open to its normal hours which are.

Wednesday.11:30am – 2:30pm        6:00pm – 8:00pm

Thursday. 11:30am – 2:30pm

Friday.11:30am – 2:30pm          5:30pm – 8:00pm

Saturday. 11:30am – 2:30pm

Sunday. 11:30am – 2:30pm

Just a reminder to members that all staff members here at the club undergo lateral flow tests before coming into work to ensure that it’s a safe environment for everyone up the club.

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Jan 03 2022

TBYC @ LOS Brass Monkey

Published by under Club Notices

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Dec 31 2021

— Kitchen Closure 31/12/21 —

Published by under Bar,Catering,Club Notices,Social

— Kitchen Closure 31/12/21 —
Unfortunately due to staff illnesses we are sorry to say that the Kitchen will be closed today!
We apologise to any members that have made bookings with us and we will be contacting you asap to let you know.
At this time we can’t say when the next time the kitchen will be open but we will post something when it is.
The Bar will still be open today for Members to come down and enjoy a few drinks before welcoming in the new year !
Happy New year to you all !

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Dec 30 2021

New Years Celebration !

Published by under Bar,Social

New Years Eve Celebration
Come Down to the Club and see the New Year In !
Special Menu till 8pm !
Bar open till 1am !
We advise members to take a Lateral flow test before attending !

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Dec 28 2021

We are Hiring – Bar Supervisor

Published by under Bar,Club Notices

We are Hiring!

Here at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club, we are looking to add a new Bar Supervisor to our team.

We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic, energetic, sociable and may already have knowledge and experience in the industry.

We hope for this new member of staff to start with us around January/February time to allow training for the 2022 summer season.

You would be one of the three core members of staff working behind the bar averaging around 20 hours per week (this does vary seasonally & dependent on the sailing schedule)

Evenings and weekend availability is essential for this role.


General responsibilities include:

Providing a high-quality service to members.

Working as part of a team.

General running of the bar on a day-to-day basis.

Opening & closing of the bar and clubhouse.

Cashing Up.

Ordering & management of stock.

Cellar management.


If you are interested and would like some more details, then please feel free to speak or send a message to Shane Bottrill or Paul Morgan or you send an email to the secretary at [email protected] to register your interest.

Closing Date for applicants is on Tuesday 18th January


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