Nov 24 2020

Sailing/Club Update

Published by under Club Notices

To All Members,

Following todays government announcement the General Committee is hopeful that we shall be able to resume Winter Racing after the 3rd Dec and also Open the Bar and Catering Facilities to our members from the same day.

We do however still need to wait to make a decision. This is to see which Tier Southend/Essex is placed in on Thursday which will be on a Regional basis rather than a local basis and to see what restrictions may need to be in place to allow this to happen.

The Government have also announced that the Tier system will be reviewed every 14 days until March.

There is every chance therefore that we will not always remain in the same Tier but as we have done all year we will ensure we keep all members upto date with how any changes will affect Sailing and the Club.

Please be assured your Committee and Club Staff are ready to open as soon as we are allowed both off the water and for Winter Racing. Any relevant updates will be posted using the club website,email and Facebook.

I look forward to announcing positive news in the next few days.

Kind regards
Adrian Bunting

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Nov 23 2020

Cadet Representative

Dear Members

I just wanted to quickly introduce myself as this year Cadet Representative.  My name is Lindsay and as many of you may know I have been an active member of the Cadet Committee for some years. I have 3 daughters who all loving being out on the water and participate regularly in both cadet and club sailing!  I have spent many hours in the water launching and recovering boats!!

I would like to thank Jeremy for all his hard work over the past years and sorry we could not mark his last year in a more memorable way due to the pandemic.  I am really looking forward to supporting the Cadets in getting the most out of the club developing skills and confidence on the water with the support of the parents.

Cadet Rep is not a job for one person and I am grateful to have received many offers of support but I will be seeking more over the year. Please keep an eye out for emails, website and Facebook updates!

I am very lucky to have Andras Gal, Nick Alston and Peter Quinten ready to provide a jammed pack Cadet sail training programme when restrictions allow for Cadets who are able to sail a basic course.   All the dates and times will be published in the club programme.

Conrad Stevenson has been able to arrange some Feva training for the older cadets (with their own boat) and we hope that this is something that can be developed in the future to enhance the fleet.  If you or older cadets would like to be added to the WhatsApp group please email Janet with your details and she will forward them appropriately.  We do have access to one club Feva but that will need to be allocated in advance to avoid disappointment (details to be confirmed).

Unfortunately, due to restrictions of some sort remaining in December the Cadet Christmas party will not be possible this year but I will endeavour to provide future events as soon as possible.

Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Lindsay Rainbow


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Nov 23 2020

Ladies That Launch

Published by under Members

My name is Lesley Dye and I run the ‘Ladies That Launch’ sailing section at TBYC. This group is aimed to provide opportunities for our lady members to build confidence, knowledge and enjoyment on the water together with other ladies. It also provides a fantastic opportunity to meet other members and socialise while sailing and in the club. I am also seeking to support this with some basic sailing theory for those who might like a refresher!

Albeit this has been a very challenging year for everyone, we really hope that 2021 will see us all gradually returning to normality and being able to enjoy more sailing and socialising again.

Next year I have arranged monthly weekend dates for sailing together between March and October. I hope to be able to utilise club dinghies and a variety of other boats with member support!  We also hope to enjoy monthly social evenings on the 3rd Thursday of each month…Covid permitting! I hope we will be able to have fun sailing with a catchup in the club afterwards! Easter and Christmas meals are also planned.

Going forwards I will be looking to include a Ladies that Launch area within the TBYC website to keep everyone updated. We also have a Whatsapp chat group to share information and keep in contact with each other. If you would like further information or to be included in this chat group please let me know. It would be wonderful to welcome new ladies to the group. Contact [email protected]

Kind regards

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Nov 20 2020

Weather Station Information

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

In a recent post about sailing during Lockdown, it was said:

“Check a weather forecast just before going afloat this can be found on the club website

Our weather station can sometimes have its errors and the RNLI Weather is no longer available from our website, why we get errors and how to get the RNLI Weather data can be found by reading


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Nov 17 2020

Christmas Fayre 2020 – We are still taking Bookings

Published by under Bar,Catering

We are taking bookings and orders now for the Christmas Fayre for when we return.
If the restrictions when we return are tighter, meaning 6 friends are not allowed, we will be happy to change your booking appropriately but why not plan something good for the return and help the club.

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Nov 17 2020

Free Sailing e-Magazines (& loads of other) with Essex & Southend Libraries

Published by under Club Notices

I posted this several years ago but the system has changed, we are now bored in Lockdown and Yachts and Yachting (now included in Sailing Today) is also now free.

This is your chance to read Yachts and Yachting  free every month (there is also loads more sailing and non sailing magazines on offer, several 1000’s). Essex and Southend Libraries have a scheme where you can check out these magazines which you can then read on an RBDigital App either on PC or Mobile, all free of charge. You of course have to have a Essex/Southend library ticket with a valid barcode.

For more information view this link Essex Libraries e-Magazines

From the same libraries site you can also get access to Press Reader, this also has many free sailing magazines but also access to Daily Newspapers.

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Nov 17 2020

AGM Election of General Committee for 2020/2021

Published by under Club Notices



(details on how to attend the AGM will follow)

Election of General Committee for 2020/2021

Nominations are invited for the following:

Commodore Adrian Bunting Steve Hopper Wayne Miller
Vice-Commodore Nick Elmore Wayne Miller Steve Hopper


Howard Warrington Adrian Bunting Nick Elmore
Rear-Commodore (Cruising) Suspended Covered by Rear-Commodore (Racing) Steve Hopper Wayne Miller
Sailing Secretary Mark Dell Howard Warrington Adrian Bunting
Hon. Treasurer David Tierney Steve Hopper Adrian Bunting
House Representative Alex Gibson Steve Hopper Howard Warrington
Cadet Representative Lindsay Rainbow Jeremy Sandford Howard Warrington
Social Secretary Lesley Dye Adrian Bunting Nick Elmore
Sail Training Officer Andras Gal Adrian Bunting Howard Warrington

The closing date for nominations is 18th November 2020

Nominations should be sent to [email protected]

As a mark of respect, the Role of Rear Commodore (Cruising) will remain suspended until such time as a worthy successor can be appointed.

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Nov 14 2020

David Cater

Published by under Club Notices

3 responses so far

Nov 12 2020

AGM 22nd November 2020 10am – Important Information

Published by under Club Notices

  1. The meeting will be held by Zoom Webinar


  • This is an online video interactive forum
  • If you have not used Zoom before here is a brief description of how to use it and along with instructions


  1. How to register for the online AGM


  • Please send an email to [email protected] to register your intention to attend. If additional members will be sharing you video link for the AGM please list their full names for registration purposes. Registration will close at 15:00 on Friday 20th November
  • By the day of the AGM you will receive an email with logon details to access the Zoom Webinar.
  • When logging on please make sure you use both first and surnames


  1. Any questions proposed by members


  • Must be received in writing by 18th Nov 2020
  • Questions can be sent via email to [email protected] or post.
  • Any questions raised will then be addressed at the AGM. Reading out first the member asking the question, the question, then the answer from the relevant committee member.


  1. Order of AGM


  • The order will follow that listed in the front of the 2020 annual report.


  1. Items that require ratification by members


  • Minutes of AGM 24th Nov 2019
  • Adoption of the accounts for year-end 30th Sep 2020
  • Proposal of SUBs and fees 2021 and surcharges (Kept at the same level as 2020)
  • Proposal of accounts and ratify

For items in section 5 the club secretary will notify all once each element is ratified, so we are not inundated with emails


  1. The proposed committee for 2020 – 2021


6.1 Will be as posted in the usual way, unless other candidates are proposed by 18th Nov 2020 with correct proposer and seconder.


  1. What to expect on the day?


  • Once logged into the Zoom Webinar the meeting will commence at 10am
  • You will see the committee on your screen with whichever committee member that is talking highlighted.
  • The Honourable Secretary will open the meeting and hand over to the Commodore to chair the meeting.
  • You will be able to see the AGM presentation, however it is not possible to have all members on screen and interacting.
  • All items requiring ratification will be determined by email / post prior to the meeting and presented at the meeting.
  • At the end of the meeting there will be an opportunity for members to post questions online via the Chat function on Zoom for AOB.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the club Secretary via [email protected]

Yours Sincerely

Steve Hopper, Commodore

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Nov 07 2020

Remembrance Sunday TBYC Webinar at 10:55 on Sunday 8th November 2020

Published by under Club Notices

Hi all
As the clubhouse has had to close and Remembrance Sunday cannot be observed at the club I have set up a short Zoom Webinar to allow members to join me to pay our respects and observe the 2 minutes silence.
The webinar will start at 10:55 with me saying a few words. Please do join us if you can.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 023219
Kind regards
Steve Hopper, Commodore

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