Nov 07 2020

Notice to Members No.9

Published by under Club Notices

Hi All

With more information being issued by the HM Government, our regulating body the RYA and the PLA, you will be pleased to know your committee will stand by its decision that the dinghy park and sailing without club involvement still stands.

However, it would be remiss of your committee not to share the latest details from each body, so you can make your own choices. With that in mind and taking into account our last notice number 8, further guidance and advice can be found:

HM Government.



We would seriously urge you all to read the guidance and regulations

Kind Regards

Steve Hopper Commodore

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Nov 06 2020

Notice to Members No.8 – 5th November Lockdown

Published by under Club Notices

Following the recent HMG guidelines enforced from the 5th November and the RYA Interpretation of these regulations can be viewed here –

Coming to the dinghy park and going sailing is associated with risks. It is your choice, your decision, your responsibility at your own risk. The General Committee requests that you follow the rules below to ensure safety to all members.

The Committee has therefore decided, at this point in time, that whilst the club house and changing rooms will need to close, the dinghy park can be accessed, and free sailing is still possible. The toilets will remain open. These regulations will be reviewed regularly and further amendments to these guidelines may be issued.

General Rules and Guidance for Dinghy Park & Water Activities

  • Please observe social distancing at all times. Do not go within 2 metres of other people
  • Please avoid touching common surfaces and regularly wash your hands
  • Please cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing
  • Please proceed around the dinghy park, car park, beach and slipway with caution and consideration to others
  • Do not be afraid to ask another member ‘to keep their distance’, but always do so politely and with consideration so they will not be offended
  • If the number of people becomes a risk, then restrictions may apply. This will only be introduced if absolutely necessary and only to protect our members
  • If you or anyone from your household or anyone you have had contact with are showing symptoms of Covid 19 do not come to the club or dinghy park but follow Government guidelines, self-isolating for 14 days
  • Whilst we will have installed areas to wash your hands to assist you in keeping safe, we remind you that you are at your own risk entirely and further recommend you carry your own PPE and hygiene supplies
  • Do not share water or fill from the hoses or sinks to further reduce the risk of transmission

Movement and use specifically of the car park and dinghy park

  • Please refer to the diagram along with this information for signage and safety equipment
  • We have provided knee operated hand washing facilities as detailed on the diagram
  • When setting up and rigging your boats please do so in the grass car park to enable better distancing
  • When walking and travelling around the dinghy park and passing others please ensure social distancing is observed at all times. If needed wait and let others pass

On the Water Guidance

  • Please be mindful of any actions you may take that could result in the requirement of emergency services
  • Supervised and any organised activities are not possible at this point, so you go afloat entirely at your own risk
  • All applicable TBYC rules still apply
  • Check your equipment to ensure it is fit to go afloat
  • Check tide times and go afloat on the incoming tide in preference
  • Check a weather forecast just before going afloat this can be found on the club website
  • Consider the wind direction. Northerly winds are more dangerous as its not so obvious to gauge the wind strength and when in trouble you will be blown away from the shore. Also consider the strength. Do not go if the conditions are above your ability.
  • Let someone know you are going afloat and when you have returned
  • If you are going afloat during a quiet time i.e. early mornings / early evenings or during the week, try and buddy up with other members around
  • Always wear a buoyancy aid
  • Take a paddle
  • Have at least a 10m painter attached to the bow of your boat
  • Take a method of communication with you. Ship to shore radio if you have one or your mobile phone. Making sure there is sufficient battery life on your device for the time afloat. Take both if you have them.

TBYC on water limited activity and current status

  • The usual sailing programme is suspended. However, it is being reviewed on a weekly basis and will resume when it is possible to do so
  • The Dutyman system is also suspended at this time and we will operate strictly on a volunteer basis

Please note that there will be no safety boat cover during the lockdown period.

The club house and changing rooms remain closed until further notice.


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Nov 03 2020

Notice to Members No.7 – Forthcoming Lockdown

Published by under Club Notices

As always during these ever-changing times your committee are once again working hard to navigate the club through the latest announcement from HM Government.

We had another extra ordinary committee meeting last night to discuss what we know at the moment and the impact and initial actions we must take.

It is with much frustration and sadness that once again we must close the club house. Due to these regulations the club will close initially from Wednesday evening at 22.00hrs at least until the 2nd December or until such times that HM Government allow us to open.

We have far more knowledge and experience of how we may operate safely for each element of our club and see the elements in 5 specific categories:

  1. Club House, Bar & Restaurant
  2. On the Water Activities
  3. Dinghy Park Access
  4. Toilet Access
  5. Changing Room Access

As always with these announcements the devil is in the detail and as a committee, we have postponed any decision on items 2 – 5 until that detail is clearly defined or by tomorrow evening 4th November.

Our promise to the members is that if we can retain any element of the club this time we will do. However as always this will only be done after careful consideration to the safety of all staff and members.

Further advice to follow

In the meantime, keep safe
Kind Regards
Steve Hopper, Commodore

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Nov 02 2020

Bar and Kitchen for this week

Published by under Bar,Catering,Club Notices

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Oct 28 2020

Halloween Family Friday

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Catering

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Oct 25 2020

The Week Ahead

Published by under Bar,Catering

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Oct 23 2020

Notice to Members No.6

Published by under Club Notices

Hi All

Once again, we have yet another consideration to guide our club through. On the 12th of October, to be implemented on the 17th October, the government announced yet another version of how the country must try to fight the virus. This, as I’m sure you are aware, brought in different measures in different locations. The government refer to this as a tier system, but is also known as Medium (Tier 1), High (Tier 2) and Very High (Tier 3) levels of alert – restrictions.

The guidance to this which was published just recently,  gives us as a club a further dilemma. Our members are generally local but also come from areas in different Tiers. See at

You can also find out which Tier you are in at :

The club is still in Tier 1 so we are not affected as far as opening is concerned at this point.

However again, this does affect how we as a club must operate.

In short:

If you are in Tier 1 then you can continue to enjoy the club under its current restrictions

If you are in a Tier 2 area you may only sit at a table with people from your household or one person living alone who you have exclusively formed a single bubble with.

If you are in Tier 3 then you may not visit the club at present.

This for the club is almost impossible for us to police so we have to ask you to be aware of which Tier your home address is in and abide by the rules accordingly to ensure all are safe when visiting our club. We would also respectfully ask that you add which tier you are in when signing in please.

This I know is far from ideal and all I can say is your committee will work swiftly and diligently to amend any rules as soon as we are able to do so.

In the meantime, keep safe
Kind Regards
Steve Hopper Commodore

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Oct 18 2020


Published by under Racing

Well done to our second National Champion of the year Chris Tillyer who successful beat 48 other Sprints at Grafham Water this weekend to be the 2020 National Champion. 7 Sprints in total represented TBYC at the event.

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Oct 18 2020

Winter starting procedure for cadets

Published by under Cadets

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Oct 16 2020

Winter – Icicle Series and Frozen Sheets Sailing Instructions

Please click on the link to view the 2020/21 Winter and Icicle Series SI’s.

Please note the slight change in start schedule.

Winter-Icicle Series & Frozen Sheets SI’s 2020-21

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