Oct 16 2020

Club hours back to usual times

Published by under Club Notices

Good news, the staff member’s father has tested negative for Covid.  Unfortunately he is very poorly. We send our best wishes and wish him a speedy recovery.

The club has been thoroughly cleaned this morning and will remain open until 10pm this evening.

If you have any questions please call the club.  01702 587563

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Oct 16 2020

Club house opening late today 16/10/2020

Published by under Club Notices

Dear Members,

This is to inform you that the club will be opening later than usual, at 12:30 today and may close after dining at 8:00pm due to a staffing issue. Notification of this will follow.

The reasons for this are that we have again been notified of a Covid 19 case that could affect club bar staff. This is due to the fact that the father of one staff member is currently being treated as a positive Covid 19 case and so that staff member has been told to isolate.

To make it clear the guidance says until that staff member (now in isolation) shows symptoms the club can continue to operate with its remaining staff following as it has, the relevant guidelines for covid safety as we have continually throughout. However as a precaution I have instructed a deep sanitizing clean of the Bar, Kitchen and club house. This will not be completed until 12:30. We do maintain a high standard and the measures in place are designed to keep staff, visitors and members safe.

I have increased this safety today by asking for that deep clean and adding in increased hand sanitizing behind the bar and in the kitchen. Please all do use the sanitizing facilities provided regularly.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but we feel it is in the best interests of the club, its visitors and you the members to ensure we maintain a high standard of sanitization and cleaning to keep you safe.

Kind regards
Wayne A Miller, Vice Commodore

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Oct 16 2020


Published by under Duties,Racing

We need volunteers to help with support boat duties this weekend please


Sun 18 Oct 2020 11:00 Winter Sun – RIB Helm – COVERED thanks Scott James

Sun 18 Oct 2020 11:00 Winter Sun – RIB Crew – COVERED thanks Bob Sporle


Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty

If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]

Many thanks

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Oct 15 2020

Windsurfers and kayaks winter storage due.

Published by under Club Notices

There are a number of windsurfing boards and Kayaks currently lying in the dinghy park many of which appear abandoned. If any are owned by members you are reminded that in order to be kept in the boat park you will need to pay a winter storage fee and insure your equipment has a winter storage label on it. The winter storage fee is a princely sum of £1.17 a foot. Any such equipment in the boat park will be removed and disposed of if found to have no winter storage paid. For those of you who wish to dispose of your unwanted boards and cannot take them home please leave by the rubbish bin out front and i will ensure they disappear.

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Oct 13 2020

Letter from Ann Warrington

Published by under Club Notices

I can’t remember who  was present last Tuesday, so have reproduced Ann’s letter here to those concerned.

“Dear Friends

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you who turned out to pay your respects to Roy last Tuesday.  It was so sad that you could not attend the service itself but from the family’s point of view, it almost felt like more of a tribute.

We drove past the Yacht Club, Bowls Club and finally the Golf Club.  All clubs that Roy had spent a good deal of time and had a host for friends for many years.

It was extremely touching for us all to see you lining the road, despite the rain, and I thank you very much.

With love and best wishes

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Oct 11 2020

Changing Rooms

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Hi all as always the rules and guidance that we have to consider whilst administrating each element of our club are continually changing. However we as a committee pride ourselves in trying to keep ahead of the curve.


This now focuses us in how and if we can reopen the changing rooms. We see this as a priority with winter sailing now looming. Fortunately lots of work around social distancing and possible layout has already been done. We now need in light of changing guidelines to workout if we don’t fall foul of the rules and guidelines then implementing our plan.


With this element of the club like many others before there is a process and we will at all times report to you the members how this will work or if not possible at this time our thought process why it can not.
Assuming we can there will as always be guidance on how we can use this facility under the restrictions imposed during Covid 19. This guidance as always will be born from planning, execution, risk assessment and issue of guidance.


In the mean time stay safe enjoy the water, our fantastic club and we will continue to make it our priority to keep TBYC a safe environment during these unprecedented times


Kind Regards Steve Hopper Commodore

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Oct 04 2020

Cadet Race Training – Briefing

Published by under Cadets

briefing is at 11:45 Sunday 4/10/2020


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Oct 03 2020


Published by under Duties,Racing

We still need volunteers to help with the end of season trophy tomorrow please

Without a RIB helm and at least 1 crew volunteer the race will have to be cancelled – if the weather does not cancel it for us…


Sun 04 Oct 2020 12:00 End of Season Trophy – RIB Helm – swap with Andy Noden or Volunteer please

Sun 04 Oct 2020 12:00 End of Season Trophy – RIB Crew – Volunteer please

Sun 04 Oct 2020 12:00 End of Season Trophy – SS2 Crew – Volunteer please

Sun 04 Oct 2020 12:00 End of Season Trophy – SS3 Crew – Volunteer please



Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty

If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]

Many thanks

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Oct 02 2020

Winter Storage/Racing.Update

Published by under Racing

All those who applied for above we now have your Winter storage stickers please collect from me over this weekend when I will be around during sailing times.For those of you storing Picos i would ask that you attend the club either between 1030hrs – 1400hrs on saturday or Sunday immediately after racing finishes to assist putting on the racks as I intend to sail first on sunday weather permitting! Those of you not staying for the winter it is important your boats are removed this weekend. Those with miscellaneous sailing equipment in the dinghy park i.e parts of windsurfers etc are asked to remove from the racks as these are to be used and anything you no longer wish to use please dispose of rather than leave lying in the dinghy park for somebody else to dispose of. There is no room for trailers to be left in the dinghy park unless they have there respective boat on them which has paid winter storage.

Regards Adrian.


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Sep 30 2020

Cadet Race Training and Races – An introduction to Team Racing

Published by under Cadets

Sunday 4th October – Prepare your boat and be ready for a briefing on the beach at 11.45.

To finish the season we are going to have a Team Racing Match. The Cadets will be put into 3 mixed ability teams and will participate in six races (out of nine), sailing around a ‘S’ shaped course.

Mini-Prize Giving and debriefing in the club’s front car park 40 minutes after the last boat reaches the beach.

Sign up on the Google form (trace and track requirement): CLICK HERE

(Cadet Race Training is suitable for sailors who can sail a triangular course safely and willing to listen and learn. Please, read the relevant risk assessment on the website.)

Click on the link below for the full activity plan.

Cadet Race Training TEAM RACING – 4th October 2020 v2

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