Sep 27 2020

Winter Series Entry Now Closed

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Thanks to the very supportive membership we have the largest Winter Series entry ever! Winter storage is also over subscribed.
We look forward to having over 100 boats sailing throughout the winter.

Members who have not entered the Winter Series or Storage are kindly asked to remove their boats from the Dinghy Park by close of play next Sunday 4th October.

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Sep 26 2020

Video briefing for tomorrow

Published by under Cadets

Cadet Race training 27/09/2020, start at 9:30
We shall see how strong is the wind on the slipway then and there, currently it does not look all that good.
Short training on the grass will be offered if sailing is not safe.
Be prepared and ready to sail out at 9:30 sharp if possible.


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Sep 25 2020

Cadet Race Training 27/09/2020 9:30

Published by under Cadets

map 2 pirate

Look at the map! click on the link and click on the link in the new window.

The Admiralty is calling on commandants of battleships to joint the High Fleet this Sunday morning. We are sailing out at 9:30 if conditions are favourable.

Cadet Race Training
coach: Andras

Start: 9:30

“ I have what you want!
Meet me at Cape Thorpe
Sunday after the sun rises.
I trust you to bring the payment.”
– Captain Black

Captain Black has been recently sighted in the Estuary.

The Admiralty has intercepted Captain Black’s recent message to a merchant, which has led us to suspect that he is going to sail north across the Treacherous Pass at about 9:45 this Sunday, wearing a black hat.
It is believed that his ship is full of goodies following his recent raid which he is trying to re-sell to merchants at Cape Thorpe.

The Admiralty ordered a group of battleships to join forces and capture him.

Admiral Grey has been appointed in high command. The Admiral ordered us to wait alongside the line between High Point and Land’s End.
As soon as you spot him, chase after him.
(You must not cut ahead of him before he crosses the line between High Point and Land’s end, otherwise he might turn back.)

Be aware of the Treacherous Pass, there are dangerous rocks under water both sides.

He is expected to turn around Cape Thorpe and head back through Treacherous Pass. Your task is to go after him and pull alongside within reach of your cannons.

It may be necessary to repeat this chase 3 times, if he slips away.

We must force him to sail into Square Bay, where there is no escape. Pull alongside of him and fire your cannons.

After the successful battle, sail to the Commodore’s flagship to collect your reward.

See you on the water: Andras

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Sep 25 2020

Golf on The Mud – Saturdary 1pm – Instructions and Rules

Published by under Club Notices,Social

TBYC’s Legendary Golf on the Mud is Back!!!!

Saturday 26th September 2020 First Tee Off at 13.00 water permitting

Full details and instructions available here TBYC 2020 Golf on the mud

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Sep 25 2020

NHS QR Code Scanning for Covid 19 Check-in

Published by under Bar,Club Notices


When entering the club you will see the poster below, at the entrance, on tables and windows. This allows you to scan and check-in to the club using the NHS COVID-19 App available from the Google or Apple App Store.


Please also sign in so we are aware of club users. Non Smartphone users just sign in.


The app also allows contact tracing to be simplified if you unknowingly come in contact with somebody with positive Covid 19.


It is a mandatory request from the government that we make this facility available to you

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Sep 24 2020

The Club is back open but please read: TBYC Notice to Members No. 5

Published by under Club Notices

TBYC Notice to Members No. 5
Hi all I hope you are all keeping safe and well and have enjoyed our safe and fantastic club since reopening on the 4th July. Who would believe it has only been 2 ½ months that we have been reopened it seems much longer to me!
The support and encouragement to myself the general committee and staff has been amazing and as always shows the strength, character and quality of the members of our club.
Most of you will be aware that I took the difficult decision to close the club yesterday evening. To allay any fears, I would like to let you all know my decision process for this.
It was brought to my attention yesterday afternoon that one of our staff had been asked to isolate, as another person in contact with them had been found to be Covid positive (not a TBYC Member) , all be it very remotely.
At this time I was unsure, as it was a member of staff at what point we should further isolate other staff. So as a precautionary measure I instructed the club to close for the evening.
Personally, and as a committee, we pride ourselves in being cautious and yesterday’s actions whilst some may consider to be a knee jerk reaction. I personally would much rather be criticised for shutting when not necessary than not shutting if necessary.
To explain, I have checked Track and trace which works in this way
· If any person has a positive test, then NHS Track and trace contacts people they have been in immediate contact with and ask them as a precautionary measure to self-isolate for up to 14 days.
· The people who have then isolated from above then notify others they have been in contact with, that they are isolating
· The people who have then been notified by the person who is now isolating need do no more unless symptoms arise then they must get a test.
So, in our case yesterday everything was done correctly the person asked to isolate did so, then contacted James to advise the isolation. At that point we could have continued. However as mentioned above and to be cautious. I paused the club for the evening just to ensure safety for all.
This morning I have had a meeting with the key people involved, to assess our decision and the latest HM Government advice. And to more robustly interrogate the rules of track and trace.
As a result, I am pleased to announce we are open again from lunch time today.
As a further precaution, I have brought in staff earlier, to perform a deep clean and sanitise of the kitchen, bar and all surfaces around the club. More for comfort than necessity.
Further to recent HM Government changes from the 22ndSeptember, clarified most recently on their web site (…/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you…)
We must now tweak the way that we operate to ensure we remain on the safe side. The key changes are:
· Face coverings must be worn when visiting the club. How does this affect you? Please ensure you always have a face mask when visiting and wear this around the club unless seated.
· The club must also be table service only now. How does this affect you? Please enter the club then immediately proceed to a table then order via text, your drinks or food will be delivered to you. Do not order from the bar. Our staff know most of you and if you are having difficulties ordering, they may come to you and take your order. I would ask you to be patient with this process.
· Tables are restricted to a maximum of 6 people.
How does this affect you? HM government have put a very ambiguous guidance note for this point which says:
“Venues following COVID-19 Secure guidelines can host more than 6 people in total, but no one should visit in a group of greater than 6 (unless you are all from the same household or support bubble). When you visit one of these places, such as a pub, shop, leisure venue, restaurant or place of worship you should: follow the limits on the number of other people you should meet with as a group (it will be illegal to be in a group of more than six from outside of your household or support bubble). If your household and/or support bubble is larger than 6 people, this is your largest permitted group and you cannot meet as a group with any additional people.”
We at TBYC find this impossible to police. So, to ensure both the safety of our staff and members, we must insist that tables and chairs are no longer rearranged, and people stay to a maximum of six people regardless of family or bubble size.
We have strived to keep the current layout as socially interactive as possible with screens and table positioning. But we need your help to keep us open and safe, as none of us really know all 1100 members and where they live or if they are in a bubble.
· Our times have changed and are as follows:
Bar Opening: Lunch Evening
· Tuesday – Thursday 11.00 – 15.00 18.00 – 22.00
· Friday 11.00 – 22.00
· Saturday 11.00 – 22.00
· Sunday 11.00 – 21.00
Kitchen Opening:
· Tuesday – Wednesday 11.30 – 14.30 18.00 – 20.00
· Thursday 11.30 – 14.30
· Friday 11.30 – 14.30 17.30 – 20.00
· Saturday – Sunday 11.30 – 14.30
We are continuing with our signing in book at present, as this covers our legal requirements to record visits for NHS track and trace and eliminates the possibility of confusion, as to which way you should record your visit. Please complete this fully and individually for each visit. However, I would encourage all members to download and use the NHS COVID-19 app as this will help all combat this disease.
Finally in closing, I personally along with the general committee and staff will continue do all we can to keep TBYC the safe premier club that we all enjoy.
Steve Hopper Commodore

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Sep 23 2020

Allen Burrell – 2020 Finn Masters Champion

Published by under Monohulls

Congratulations Allen on another superb victory!

Full write up –

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Sep 23 2020

*** Important ** Club Closed tonight Wednesday ***

Published by under Bar

The Commodore has taken action to close the club tonight in the interest of Covid 19 safety. Further announcements about opening will be made tomorrow.
Unfortunately a staff member has been identified as being in contact with a Positive Covid Case and has been asked to self isolate for 14 days. The club therefore wants to understand our position and actions we should take to protect members, their guests and other staff. Further advice will be taken from Track and Trace and appropriate government departments.
Please at this moment do not concern yourselves, as you know we have taken good precautions with screening and staff approaching tables have been wearing masks.

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Sep 23 2020

Rib Helm and Crew needed for Sunday 27th

Published by under Racing

A volunteer helm and crew are required for this coming Sunday 27th September . There is a 9.30 race start time. Please reply to this message or contact me directly.
Many Thanks

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Sep 21 2020

Golf on the Mud – This Saturday

Published by under Social

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