Aug 08 2020

Travellers Car Park and Slipway Nuisances

Published by under Club Notices

On Fri 31/7/20 Travellers were prevented from gaining access to Club grass car park via Dinghy park.In order to attempt to avoid this occurring again the Dinghy park gates are to remain closed and locked when not in use during weekdays and will only remain constantly open between 2 hours before race start time and 4 hours after over the weekends. This is an inconvenience but not as much or as expensive as if unwanted persons attend.The broken gap between Club car park and council car park has also been temporarily fixed to prevent traffic between the two until the Council can fix it permanently.

Slipway youth nuisance has increased this year  which has been reported to both the council and local police both of whom have taken steps as a result to be proactive in their patrols. If there are further nuisances please report to local police via 101 which I appreciate can be frustrating and time consuming but what they don’t get reported to them does not get recorded or acted on. Alternatively  send me an email with details and I will update Police via the PCSO Abbie Reynolds or local Officer Pc  William Cheung.


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Aug 08 2020

Sunday – Cadet race training with Andras and Nick

Published by under Cadets

Sunday 9th of August.
Launching from the beach at 14:30
Sign up on the Google form (trace and track requirement):

Cadet Race Training is suitable for sailors who can sail a triangular course safely and willing to listen and learn.
Please, read the relevant risk assessment on the website.

Look at the poster and see the resources – will help to get the best experience.

poster Cadet Race Training 2020 08 09.pages

See you on the water: Andras

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Aug 07 2020

Duty swap

Published by under Duties

Due to a change in shift pattern at work, I am unable to cover my SS3 duty on the 16th August 09.30 start. Would anyone be able to cover it please? Happy to swap

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Aug 05 2020

Return to Cadet Training

We are delighted to announce that the club will now return to Cadet Training. This is not the Sail Training programme that the club runs but more specific coaching for cadets and indeed adults, who have a basic sailing knowledge and keen to learn more boat handling skills and some race craft.

A Risk Assessment has been completed as required for the Covid 19 issues, as for all club activities. The link to this is below.

Return to Cadet Training Risk Assessment TBYC V1

Please check the website for details to be posted very soon.

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Aug 01 2020

Eat out to Help out Starts this Tuesday

Published by under Bar,Catering

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Jul 31 2020

Return to Racing Guidance and Risk Assessment

AMENDED RISK ASSESSMENT – Includes Committee Boat and Racing with Participants from Different Households 

Racing is back at TBYC! 

Racing will now be as per the 2020 Sailing Instructions and the Committee Boat will now be in use full time.

HOWEVER! In order for this to happen within the HMG and RYA Guidelines, a lot of work has been done behind the scenes. We have completed a guidance document and a risk assessment which needs to be read by competitors and support teams alike.

By taking part, you will have been deemed to have read the attached documents and will follow the guidelines set.

As always we need volunteers to run racing, so please check Dutyman, your emails and the website and volunteer whenever you can.

We are delighted that we can now do this and look forward to a large turnout this weekend.


General Rules and Guidance – Back to Racing

Return to Racing Risk Assessment TBYC V2

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Jul 21 2020

Club is Open All Day

Published by under Bar,Catering

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Jul 20 2020

Back to racing 2020

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

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Jul 20 2020

Racing 19th July 20

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

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Jul 14 2020

Return to Racing

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Commencing this Saturday TBYC is returning to racing initially at weekends only.Start times will be as previously published i.e 1000hrs on Sat 18 July. To commence each race day will consist of 2 points races per day normal sequence of starts for all classes. It is a requirement for all those wishing to race that they have read and understood  the updated General rules and guidance and Return to racing risk assessment which will be posted on this site and at the club over the next few days.For those free sailing on race days I  would ask that you also read as above and in particular avoid launching from the beach and slipway for the 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time to assist with TBYC social distancing measures. Please continue to keep an eye on the club website/ notice boards over the coming weeks /months as we may need to amend the racing guidelines and format of races as we move forward.



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