Apr 21 2020

Spot the Virtual Easter Egg Competition Results

Published by under Cadets

The egg was hidden in square M13.  It took some very careful and precise measurement to determine the winners.
Prizes will be delivered during the next few days.
Entrant         Square
Grace L         G2    3rd place
Ellie M         X8
Aimee D       Y14
Henry D       Z40
Mary D         Y23
Tom D          T36
Holly C         R34
Hannah C     O3     2nd place
Tilly C         Q1
Ruby S          R22
Eleanor J     W8
Joseph J      Y22
Henry T       G16     Joint 1st place
Gabriel T     S16      Joint 1st place
Daisy F        H26
Isabella R    O1
Charlotte R P33
Jessica R     Y22
Genie T        V21

Keep sending your Spot the Difference entries to [email protected], until Saturday.

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Apr 18 2020

Cadets – Spot the Difference No.5

Published by under Cadets

Spot the 10 Differences between the 2 photos.
The person that sends the most correct entries in for all spot the differences will win a prize.
Some fun for the Cadets.
Put together by Steve Hopper, Commodore.
Send what you find to [email protected]

Click on link if you would like to enlarge and print off.
TBYC spot the difference 5

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Apr 18 2020

Cadets – Spot the Difference No.4 (Sorry Day Late)

Published by under Cadets

Spot the 10 Differences between the 2 photos.
The person that sends the most correct entries in for all spot the differences will win a prize.
Some fun for the Cadets.
Put together by Steve Hopper, Commodore.
Send what you find to [email protected]

Click on link if you would like to enlarge and print off.
TBYC spot the difference 4

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Apr 17 2020

From Our Commodore

Published by under Club Notices

Dear Member(s)

I hope you are all well and staying safe.

It will be no surprise to you that following the latest Government advice the club will sadly remain closed for at least another three weeks.  As this is far from ideal, the general committee continues to meet weekly to work out how to engage our members.

With this in mind, I’m sure you have noticed an increase in notices, games, virtual reports and offers of help to those in need, along with other ideas we have implemented.  We also continue business as usual from an administration point of view.  The club office is open from Tuesday to Friday.

There are several ideas which will be put into action during the next week, including Howard Warrington’s Virtual Regatta Racing, information videos and a training guide for cadets.  An online quiz is also planned, so keep checking Facebook and the club website for what’s going on.

Many members have excelled and continue to do so, producing witty reports, and Jeremy Sandford, has been manufacturing protective visors for care workers using a 3D printer.   All of this makes my job, in these difficult times, almost a joy.

Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting our fantastic club.  I wrote to you just recently and out of 1,100 members nearly all have not only paid to support our club but have sent messages of encouragement to both the general committee and me, personally.

So, in the meantime, stay safe and well.  I look forward to celebrating with you all, both on and off the water soon.

Your sincerely
Steve Hopper, Commodore

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Apr 16 2020

TBYC Cadet Virtual Easter Egg Hunt (Closes Saturday 18th April)

Published by under Cadets

This Competition doesn’t close until Saturday 18th April

1. Pick a square using the battleship style grid (click on the picture to fill the screen)

2. Mark your square and email to [email protected] one per cadet along with your name and age

3. Cadet age as listed by RYA up to 19 years of age

4. The winner or winners will be either the cadet who pics the correct square or if tied all that select the correct square

5. Competition egg positioning by Madeleine Hopper

6. Competition Draw will be on Saturday the 18th April 2020

7. Prize will be obviously a very large Easter egg donated by Steve 😊

8. Prize or prizes will be delivered I will find a way safely to do so

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Apr 16 2020

Another Cadet Eggs Hunt (Closes Saturday 18th April)

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Catering

This competition closes Saturday 18th April
This is the second Cadet Egg Hunt of the day and Steve Hopper didn’t know about it but he must have a big stash of prizes.

On the www.tbyc.org website (no more than one link down, so try the pages) there are nine small pictures of 3 Easter Eggs and when you find them click on them, you will be given a word. When you have the words put them in the correct order and send the 9 word sentence to me at [email protected] .

The winner for another egg will be pulled randomly from the correct entries. Cadets must be 19 or under.

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Apr 16 2020

Cadets – Spot the Difference No.3

Published by under Cadets

Spot the 10 Differences between the 2 photos.
The person that sends the most correct entries in for all spot the differences will win a prize.
Some fun for the Cadets.
Put together by Steve Hopper, Commodore.
Send what you find to [email protected]

Click on link if you would like to enlarge and print off.
TBYC spot the difference 3

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Apr 15 2020

Cadets – Spot the Difference No.2

Published by under Cadets

Spot the 10 Differences between the 2 photos.
The person that sends the most correct entries in for all spot the differences will win a prize.
Some fun for the Cadets.
Put together by Steve Hopper, Commodore.
Send what you find to [email protected]

Click on link if you would like to enlarge and print off.
TBYC spot the difference 2

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Apr 14 2020

Cadets – Spot the Difference No.1

Published by under Cadets

Spot the 10 Differences between the 2 photos.

Some fun for the Cadets. Put together by Steve Hopper, Commodore.

Click on link if you would like to enlarge and print off.
TBYC spot the difference 1-1

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Apr 13 2020

Virtually the Weekend continues

Published by under Racing


Further reports by Horatio Cuthbert. The weekend continues…What was learnt in the Bar?

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