Mar 16 2020


Published by under Club Notices

Due to unprecedented times and advice published today from the government: ‘people are being asked to avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and social venues’. The general committee has made the difficult decision to close the club until further notice.

This decision was not taken lightly but we need to consider the risk to members, many of whom are in the high-risk category and our staff.

The club will be closed in its entirety including; closure of the clubhouse, bar, kitchen, changing rooms, toilets plus the cancellation of all currently planned events including racing.

Cruiser and Sandhopper Lift in on 28th March – please contact your class captains for more details.

We hope this will be a short-term measure and the committee will continually review the status and keep you updated.

There are obviously many ramifications for the club which the general committee are currently working through and further communications will follow in due course.

Thank you for your patience and understanding but club members safety and welfare is paramount.

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Mar 15 2020

Amendment to Winter Series Schedule

Amendment to Race Schedule – Winter Series 2020

The final race on Sunday 22nd March will now consist of 2 races, sailed back to back. Start time remains the same at 10:00.

Race length will be at the RO’s discretion but likely to be shorter than normal.

As we have only had 1 race this winter series, the Sailing Committee decided to make this amendment.

All races will count for the series with no discards as per the Sailing Instructions.

Adrian Bunting                                    Howard Warrington
Rear Commodore Racing                      Sailing Secretary

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Mar 15 2020

2020 Sailing Instructions

TBYC SI 2020

Please see the above link to the Sailing Instructions for the coming 2020 Season. These take effect from the first race of the Spring Series.

Race Officers and Assistant Race Officers: Please take time to study these carefully as they will assist you in your role. Please take note of section 9 where some amendments can be found.


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Mar 15 2020

Coronavirus Update

Published by under Club Notices

The club is monitoring the Coronavirus situation and taking guidance from Public Health England.

We are actively increasing our cleaning and wipe down process and have signage posted around the club to help advise members

We would further request all members endeavour to take notice of all official recommendations from World Health Organization and The NHS / government advice including requesting members who have visited hot spots to self isolate from the club

We also request you use Contactless Payments where possible to reduce on any passing of the virus that may occur whilst using cash.

These are very challenging times and we want our club to be proactive and as safe as possible

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Mar 11 2020

New Pico Sails

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

GP Sails have a number of plain white brand new Pico sails for sale. They have 4 Plain white mainsails and 3 plain white Jibs at a cost of £100 for the mains and £50 for the jibs. Numbers and logos are available if required.
Please contact me or leave a response here if you are interested in these sails.

GP have provided the club with sails for the club boats in 2019.

Nick Elmore

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Mar 06 2020

Grass Car Park

For this weekend and possibly for the next week at least, please would you refrain from using the grass car park next to the dinghy park. After the heavy rains recently it’s very wet and unsuitable for use.

Many thanks

Adrian Bunting

Rear Commodore Racing

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Mar 06 2020

Sailors Meeting (cadets) tomorrow at TEYC

Published by under Cadets

Check out the You Tube channel TBYCPicofleet

See previous post about the meeting

Cadet meeting TBYC and Thames Estuary Yacht Club 7th of March, Saturday


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Mar 03 2020

Sail Training Application 2020

Published by under Cadets,Club Notices

Sail Training Application 2020

Thorpe Bay Yacht Club is offering Sail Training to members only.
Children and adults, families and individuals, all welcome.

All of our trainers are volunteer club sailors, please, respect them.
Further volunteers are welcome.

Recommended minimum age is 8 years.

Stage 1 Sail Training
9th of April, Thursday, 18:30 start – dry training
11-12 of April, Saturday – Sunday – yes, that’s Easter!

Stage 2 Sail Training
7th of May, Thursday, 18:30 start – dry training

8th and 9th of May, Friday Bank Holiday and Saturday
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Mar 01 2020

The Rossi Story – 7th April

Published by under Bar,Cruising,Social

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Feb 24 2020

Cadet meeting TBYC and Thames Estuary Yacht Club 7th of March, Saturday

Published by under Cadets

Invitation to Sailor’s Meeting with the cadets of the Thames Estuary Yacht Club

Saturday, 7th of March, 5 pm

TEYC Clubhouse, 5pm start

Recommended age: 9 years and above
To discuss plans of joint sailing days.
Splicing workshop: you will make a soft shackle
Pizza from Flying Pasta – that’s yummy
Quiz and possibly more
Children get a half pizza, adults 3/4 of a pizza
Estimated price, subject of numbers:
5£ and 7£

please, sign up on the following link:

Please, sign up on the following link:

Drop me an email with your questions.
If you are not coming, please also drop me and email, that would save me from chasing people who do not need chasing.

See you on there: Andras

If you do not have my email, please, use the club email:
[email protected]

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