Jan 10 2024

Members only Dog Trial

Published by under Club Notices

Following a general consensus at the AGM in favour, a Dog trial has been agreed by the General Committee with the following rules.

From January 10th 2024 TBYC will allow the following:

Members may bring their own dog to the club and use the outside balcony, Commodore bar side of the club only.

Only clean, dry dogs are allowed access. No wet, muddy or sandy dogs allowed.

The dog must be accompanied at all times and remain on a short lead.

The dog remains the sole responsibility of the owner and the club accepts no liability.

The member must enter and exit the club via the first floor rear exit door and then must use the Commodore bar to enter the balcony.

No loitering in the club with your dog is allowed for any reason.

The dog is not allowed in any other part of the club for any reason.

No more than 3 dogs are allowed on the balcony at anytime and must be kept under control at all times.

Non members dogs are not permitted.

If there is a private function in the club in either bar or a main cadet event i.e Cadet week then no access is allowed.

Any mess is the responsibility of the member to clear.

If the dog becomes a nuisance to other members then the member and their dog will be asked to leave.

If asked to leave by a member of staff or General Committee member then that request must be complied with at the time and any concerns notified to a Flag Officer in writing.

This is a trial and the general Committee reserve the right to amend the rules governing this trial or suspend it if deemed appropriate at the time.

If successful members may wish to amend club bye law 1A at the next AGM.

On behalf of

General Committee.

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Jan 09 2024

Valentine’s Day Dinner

Published by under Club Notices

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Jan 08 2024

Sailing Memoirs from the Baltics

Published by under Club Notices

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Jan 07 2024

Burns Night January 25th 2024

Published by under Club Notices

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Jan 05 2024

Frozen Sheets Race Re-Run

Published by under Club Notices

Please see attached Amended Si’s for the Frozen Sheets Race

Hope to see you all there!



Icicle Series & Frozen Sheets Amendement SI’s 2023-24

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Jan 04 2024

Kitchen Closed Today

Published by under Club Notices

Unfortunately the Kitchen will be closed today.  Thursday 4th January.  We apologise for any inconvenience.
The bar will still be open from 11-3pm.

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Dec 31 2023

Gary Plant

It is with great sadness that I need to announce the passing of Gary Plant yesterday morning.

Gary has been an active member of the Sandhopper fleet sailing Sand Spirit with his wife Polly since joining TBYC in 2009 and has also served the club as House Rep.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Polly and all his close family and friends. He will be very much missed at TBYC, particularly in the Sandhopper fleet.

On behalf of

Adrian Bunting


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Dec 29 2023

(Sold) Sandhopper FOR SALE . Squiffy. Sail number 41.

Published by under For Sale,Sandhoppers



Squiffy. Sail number 41.


Probably the best sorted sail control systems of the double-digit Sandhoppers. £2600.

Contact: David Johnson 07710 163397

Winner of 2022 Final Fling at TBYC!


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Dec 22 2023

New Years Day Brunch

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

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Dec 22 2023

Frozen Sheets, Punch and Mince Pies

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

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