Oct 29 2019


Published by under Bar,Cadets,Social

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Oct 28 2019

Keep Calm Play Games This Wednesday

Published by under Bar,Cadets

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Oct 25 2019

Half Term Funtastic Fun

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Catering

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Oct 24 2019

England Rugby This Saturday 9am

Published by under Bar

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Oct 23 2019


Published by under Duties,Racing

We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties this weekend please


Sat 26 Oct 2019 10:00 Winter Sat – Race Officer – swap with Nick Elmore or volunteer please


Sun 27 Oct 2019 10:30 Winter Sun – Rib Launch – Volunteer please

Sun 27 Oct 2019 10:30 Winter Sun – SS7 crew – Swap with Harry Boygle or Volunteer please


The club tow car (RAV4) is available to launch RIBs

Before driving it please check you meet the club insurers criteria https://www.tbyc.org/club-duty-guidance/  under section Club Tow Car Duty Guidance.

If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.

Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty

If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]

Many thanks

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Oct 22 2019

Winter / Frozen Sheets / Icicle SI’s

Hi all, here’s the SI’s for the winter, for those of you that can’t be bothered to read it, courses and fleets are the same as last year



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Oct 20 2019

Not paid for Pico winter dinghy park storage

All Pico owners must move their boats out of the dinghy park today. Cruiser lift out is tomorrow. If you intend to keep your boat at the club for the Winter you need to pay and move it onto the racks. If you have not paid you boat will be moved to clear space for lift out and you may not be able to keep it here over the winter. Please message me your intentions as soon as possible. Boats will be start to be moved in the next half hour.

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Oct 14 2019

Winter Dinghy Park

Hi All, It’s that time of year when the sailing season is over and the winter series will begin (after the Cruiser and Sandhopper liftout 21/22nd October). As per the Club program, all dinghies should have vacated the dinghy park in order for these manoeuvres take place. Specifically rows E,F,G.
If you own a pico or laser and wish to pay for storage for the winter please contact your class captain to discuss rack storage and how you will put your boat on the racks. It is YOUR OWN responsibility to ensure your boats are moved.

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Oct 14 2019

Thanks from Jim Percy

Published by under Club Notices

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Simon Boygle, Adrian Bunting, Chris Boshier, Tony Clarke, Robin Foster-Taylor, and George Mellon, who provided help and comfort to me when I collapsed in the dinghy car park yesterday. And also to others who showed their concern about my well being both during the incident and afterwards.

After very thorough checks in the ambulance and at the hospital, which took account of my existing medical condition, I was given a clean bill of health, with the incident being put down solely to dehydration. I had only consumed one cup of liquid since the previous evening. So be warned – do keep the liquid intake up.

So again, many thanks indeed to the wonderful Members of Thorpe Bay Yacht Club who continue to provide great expertise and care, both on and off the water.

Jim Percy

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Oct 13 2019

Cadets take the first 11 places in the Matt Dear Trophy held a TEYC

Published by under Cadets,Racing

Our Cadets had a tremendous day participating in the Matt Dear Trophy. 25 Cadets in 15 dinghies travelled to TEYC, some by sea, to compete in this annual event, which attracted 31 boats. Hannah and Lydia gained 1st place in their RS Feva closely followed by Pippa and Isabella in their ‘420’. Third was Luke in his Laser, followed by Daniel also in a Laser and in fifth position was Nathan  who was also the first Pico. They all crossed the Start line within seconds, tacking to gain clear air and fought in light winds to get to the windward buoy. The wind direction changed making the next leg a challenge for everyone. The battle increased on the final leg resulting in victory for TBYC.

This event is run by The Matthew Dear Foundation to raise awareness about the dangers of Appearance & Performance Enhancing Drugs after Matthew Dear’s life at 18 was cut tragically short, by having a fatal reaction to taking these steroids.  https://www.matthewdearfoundation.co.uk/Home.html

We are proud of all our 25 Cadets for their participation in this race and congratulations to them all. Thank you to TEYC for hosting this event and making us feel so welcome.

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