Dec 04 2023

Christmas Opening Hours

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Nov 20 2023

Family Christmas party

Published by under Bar,Cadets

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Nov 20 2023

Prize Giving-25th November-Book your fleet table

If your name is on the list below do come to Prize Giving this coming Saturday to collect well deserved recognition and your trophy.

If your name is not on the list do come to the Prize Giving anyway to support you class.

Either way, please, order your food, from the bar, by telephoning 01702 587563.
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Nov 19 2023

Gerald Mitcham Cup 2023

Published by under Club Notices


Congratulations to Andras Gal, winning the Gerald Mitcham Cup for 2023.




Richly deserved well done. Thank you for all you do for TBYC especially for inspiring our Cadets.



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Nov 16 2023


We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties this weekend please

Please do volunteer if you can help


Sat 18 Nov 2023 13:00 Winter Sat – RIB Launcher


The club tow car (BMW X3) is available to launch RIBs (any club member with a clean license over 25 is insured to drive it)

If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.

Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty by emailing [email protected]

If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]

Many thanks

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Nov 03 2023

Book your Christmas Fayre

Published by under Catering

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Nov 02 2023

Winter Ball details are here

Published by under Social

Click Continue Reading for full menu details.

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Nov 02 2023

Sailing AGM – Wednesday 8th November

Published by under Club Notices

Hi all racing sailors!
Your AGM will be held next Wednesday 8th November.
Please see agenda here – TBYC Sailing AGM Agenda 2022
Essentially it is there for you to have your say and feedback to the Sailing Committee on how the 2023 season was for you.
Courses, Starts, Calendar, Trophy Races etc.
Often there is a good discussion but remember if a vote is taken to change something, you need to be there to vote.
If you have any topics that you would like to discuss, by all means let myself or Mark Dell know and we can add to the agenda. There will of course be an AOB session at the end.
Hope to see you next week.
Howard Warrington        Mark Dell
Rear Commodore          Sailing Secretary

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Oct 30 2023

RS Tera National Championship confirmed for 2024

Published by under Club Notices

Exciting summer ahead for TBYC …..

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Oct 28 2023

75th Anniversary Lunch – Sunday 5th November

Published by under Catering,Social

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