May 19 2019

Laser and Contender Open – 15th-16th June

Published by under Monohulls,Racing

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May 17 2019

Cadet Sailing 26th of May, Sunday with Andras

Published by under Cadets

Cadets and Parents!

Next Cadet Race Training is Sunday week 26th of May 2019

All sailors welcome.

Help will be given to those who ask for it.

Start on the water is at 16:00

Briefing at 15:30, sail training room

Please, get the boats ready on the beach and change before briefing


acceleration, stopping, speed control

Triangular practice course.

Windward – leeward course


Homework – watch the following videos:

See you on the water:


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May 14 2019

Family Fun Day 19th May – Starts at 12:30

Published by under Cadets,Social

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May 14 2019


Published by under Social

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May 13 2019

Sail Training at TBYC, video thanks to Tommy

Published by under Videos and Photos

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May 11 2019

Cadet Week Forms 2019 – Entries Closed

Its time to register for this years summer of fun, 29th July – 2nd Aug.

    1. Read the information pack and arrange your boats and partners, then…
    2. Complete the forms, you must volunteer!
    3. Return the forms with a cheque (or bank transfer this year)

Closing date is 13th May. After that date we will look at group totals and confirm your entry.

Thank you to all those who have helped and volunteered to help this year.


Cadet Week Information pack 2019

Cadet Week Registration Pack 2019


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May 09 2019

Ball Menu 2019 – Orders Urgently Required

Published by under Catering,Social

This is the full menu for the 2019 Ball.
If you haven’t told us your order (or want to change) then please contact the Bar or Janet urgently to ensure ordering is completed.

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May 09 2019

Last weekend’s Cadet training and races

Published by under Cadets

Well done to the 23 cadets in 13 boats who endured the cold weather and gusting winds to complete two days of training and racing last weekend. The Cadets aged between 8 and 15 of all abilities practised their beating, reaching and running skills together with practise starts and finally completed a series of two laps races.

The Programme for the Cadet Training/Races led by Nick and Andras is published in the Cadet Tab under SAILING (on the left hand side), together with the Results. DON’T FORGET TO CHECK YOUR RESULTS, CADETS!!!!

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May 06 2019

Yantlet race thanks to the Wayne ( Mr Magoo) Miller

Published by under Videos and Photos

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May 06 2019

Yantlet Trophy Race – Monday 6th May 2019 SUPPLEMENTARY SAILING INSTRUCTIONS

Published by under Racing

These are supplementary to the TBYC 2019 Sailing Instructions.
Eligibility – The Yantlet Trophy Race will be open to any boat owned by a member of Thorpe Bay Yacht Club and with a PY of less than 1200. Boats with a PY of 1200 or over will race to the Leigh Buoy and back.
Safety – All competitors are reminded of the Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea and in particular that ships in the channels will have restricted ability to manoeuvre or are constrained by draught and therefore have priority over sailing vessels. Keep a look out for ships in the shipping lanes and pass well astern. Plan and alter your course accordingly.
Safety disclaimer – by signing the declaration sheet for the Yantlet Race owners are accepting responsibility for their actions during the race and indemnifying the club accordingly.
The Start – there will be 2 starts from the committee boat.
Time Class Flag
12:30 PY = 1200 K

The Provisional Course(s):
PN = 1200
An upwind leg, Pier Head to Starboard, Leigh buoy to port, Pier Head to Port, club mark #5 to starboard and finish at the Shore Box Line.
The actual course(s) will be displayed on the blackboard to the west of the Bosun’s hut one hour prior to the start(s) and may include additional marks and/or a shorter course depending on weather conditions and wind direction/speed.

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