Oct 28 2023

Fireworks Night Friday 3rd November

Published by under Cadets,Social

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Oct 25 2023

Winter & Icicle Series SI’s

Published by under Racing

Please see attached Sailing Instructions Winter-Icicle Series & Frozen Sheets SI’s 2023-24



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Oct 23 2023

Post Lift In

Published by under Club Notices

Now that the lift in is complete, as always there is some “shunting” to do. This is down to the owners of dinghies to arrange.
A very large number of boats, particularly: Picco’s, Laser’s and some Tera’s are not identifiable. If you didn’t come and move your boat as requested, you may find yourself on the racks or hemmed in a little. If you have paid only for storage, then please try and use a top rack or leave you boat on the outside edges of the park to allow those sailing better access.
There is plenty of room for dinghies to be stored. During the lift in, many boats needed to be moved. It is your responsibility to check that you are happy with where you boat is.
We have 2 visiting Hurricanes and space is reserved for them among the Hurricane rows. Please don’t block those.
If you have not paid to store your boat, please remove it immediately.

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Oct 23 2023

Dinghy park – yellow marked space

Published by under Club Notices

Polite request: I have paid for a space in the dinghy park for my cruiser and have marked a spot for it. Highlighted by 4 tyres painted yellow and the ground painted yellow. There is a sandhopper in front of this space on a trailer with a blue cover. If your boat is placed in this space I may remove it when my cruiser arrives by trailer in a couple of weeks time. Thank you for your co- operation.

Thank you, Scott James, Sandhopper Class Capt.

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Oct 16 2023

Winter Sailing / Storage

Published by under Club Notices

The deadline for applying has now passed. Any late payments will incur the £20 late payment fee.
For all those who have not requested storage, could you please remove your boats this week. We have the cruiser and Sandhopper lift in at the weekend.
For those just wanting storage with boats such as Pico’s and Lasers, please would you find an available rack to lift them onto. This also needs doing before the weekend please.
We will be conducting a dinghy park audit after the weekend.
many thanks

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Oct 09 2023

Winter Storage – less than one week to go

Published by under Club Notices

Dear Members,

Thank you to all that have submitted their applications, the dinghy park is now more than 75% full for winter. For those of you yet to submit, there is less than a week to go to until you need to pay for your sailing/storage or remove your boat from the dinghy park. Please submit your application or remove your boat no later than Sunday 15th October.

Please can you logon to the membership system (see link below and previous guidance) to submit your application as soon as possible. As with previous years there will be a late fee of £20 for people paying after the 15th October. For those who take part in winter/icicle series or another organised event (e.g. Tera Training) you will receive a bar voucher of approx. 17% of fees to spend by 30th June 2024.


If you have any issues using the system, please contact:

[email protected]


Membership Secretary

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Oct 07 2023

Well Done Monty

Published by under Club Notices

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Oct 03 2023

Winter Storage

Published by under Club Notices

Applications for Winter Sailing / Storage are now open. E-mails have been sent to the lead member of each group with instructions. If you have not received an e-mail, please contact [email protected]

Applications need to be received by 15th October. Boats not being stored for winter need to be removed no later than the 15th October.

There is extra space for storage this year, so please ensure that you select the correct option either Sailing or Storage so that we can plan the space in the dingy park.

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Sep 27 2023

Cadet week drone footage

Published by under Club Notices

Please see this amazing footage from cadet week sponsored by Johnson School of motoring. Makes me feel very proud of our cadets! ⛵

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Sep 26 2023

2023 TBYC Endeavour Trophy – Saturday 30th September

Published by under Club Notices

This year’s Endeavour Trophy takes place this Saturday.

Sailors entered from each class will compete in a winner takes all, 4 race series.

The main theme of the event is to have a bit of fun competing against the TBYC classes in the Sandhopper Class boat. Last year’s Sandhopper National Champions will compete using the class boat – Primo.

An enormous thanks to the owners of Sandhoppers who have so generously offered up their pride and joys for the event!

Please see the Sailing Instructions here: Endeavour-Sailing-Instructions-2023

The competitors and boats are:

Primo – Alex Farrall & George Warrington – 2022 Champions

Zeus – Chris Boshier & Dominic Speller – Laser

Disco – Richard Smith & Gordon Sanders – Albacore

Sandstorm – Sam & Joe Blaker – Aero

The Dogs – Lawrence Crispin & Ben Warrington (late sub) – Finn

Sea Phantom – Julian Reichert & Jeremy Sandford – Hurricane

Little Wing – Rupert Snow & Paul Farrall – Cruiser

Bluejacket – Andy Stickland and Mark Dell – RS 200

Squiffy – Jojo Gillies & Alex Warrington – Cadet Week Winner

Spectators welcome on board SS4 – subject to numbers.

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