Oct 11 2020

Changing Rooms

Published by at 14:39 under Club Notices,Racing

Hi all as always the rules and guidance that we have to consider whilst administrating each element of our club are continually changing. However we as a committee pride ourselves in trying to keep ahead of the curve.


This now focuses us in how and if we can reopen the changing rooms. We see this as a priority with winter sailing now looming. Fortunately lots of work around social distancing and possible layout has already been done. We now need in light of changing guidelines to workout if we don’t fall foul of the rules and guidelines then implementing our plan.


With this element of the club like many others before there is a process and we will at all times report to you the members how this will work or if not possible at this time our thought process why it can not.
Assuming we can there will as always be guidance on how we can use this facility under the restrictions imposed during Covid 19. This guidance as always will be born from planning, execution, risk assessment and issue of guidance.


In the mean time stay safe enjoy the water, our fantastic club and we will continue to make it our priority to keep TBYC a safe environment during these unprecedented times


Kind Regards Steve Hopper Commodore

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