Jun 29 2018


Published by at 10:59 under Club Notices,Duties,Racing

Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up last weekend to allow sailing to go ahead.


These were: John Casson, Tony Padbury, Gary Burrows, Barry Duce and Alex? (hopefully the right Warrington!) – and of course thanks as ever to those with duties who were there.


We have a significant number of people dropping out of duties this year often at the last minute and with no good reason which just makes it harder for the rest of us.


So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE – if you have a duty and can’t do it for any reason do the following as early as possible:

  • Mark as SWAP REQUIRED on Dutyman and actively look for others to swap with.
  • Approach others who are not looking to swap – often they will swap with you if you ask.
  • Or find a future Vacancy on Dutyman and swap with that

If all else fails please let the Duty Officer know asap and at least a week before so we can advertise for a replacement

If you need help with Dutyman (it’s easy when you try, honest ) just contact me at [email protected] I will assist.

When people have made a real effort and have a reason they cannot do their duty we can often help but that is difficult if things are left until the last minute.


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